
Yeah snow patrol. Coldplay lite, as awful as that sounds 😂


That’s majorly sick on many levels. A little too close I would sat

What’s the bet that this was a religious Polynesian parent? I’ve seen and heard of them doing some right down sick shit to their kids as so called punishment and quite a few were supposedly pastors and deacons etc.

Exactly, you’ve got it right

Squarehead got it wrong, it wasn’t nazis who did it to women, it was people from former nazi occupied countries who did to women who were mistresses of nazis. They got it backwards. It was done to women who slept with jews and placed in concentration camps but it was done pretty much to all women in the camps.

God, you are so fucking wrong and’s what they did to women who collaborated (ie. Mistresses of) with German officers etc. Not the other way. Really, get your shit right

Wrong link

Ayelet Zurer is absolutely magnificent. I don’t think women really get gorgeous until 40. I’m 40 myself, I have no interest in young girls

Yeah as a male I had a (sort of) similar experience. I had an Indian (female) doctor too tentative to touch my testicles that she referred me to another doctor but a week later. The doctor the next week immediately diagnosed me with advanced testicular cancer and automatically admitted me for surgery. I lost a…

Did you not read the article? It was a female instructor making the comments

How is Miley Cyrus talented? She’s absolutely rubbish, doing gross antics doesn’t equate talent

Exactly what I came here to say. Nice one

Research older electronic music, most of newer electronic ( god i hate that American abbreviations EDM, why?) is absolutely shite

Fuck you, grow up. eww is something adults do not say

wasn't even talking to you. go fuck your self, cunt much

Dude, mozels for being gay n all that. But don’t bring that into a conversation that doesn’t warrant it. Lacking a bit of look at me! Look at me! Today are we?

You have seemed to get upset rather too easy. Maybe you are from the arsehole clan as well, me thinks

Funny enough that's called a Vienna in Scandinavia (wienerbröd)

It was a cover and Bob Dylan got writers credit etc. So covering someone's song is not the same as ripping off someone elses song and not giving credit and royalties . Two different things entirely