
I’d contend that pushing trans into women’s sport has galvanized a lot of people against trans issues

I mean this is absolutely disgusting.

Matt Gaetz has a wife... I thought he just sex trafficked high-schoolers

If trans-women want to play in sport (gym class, intramural, house league, rec league) then I, or any reasonable person, has absolutely no problem. However, their participation in competitive sport causes significant harm to cis-women. Your response is small numbers etc. well tell that to two twins from Namibia who

hahah good catch!

Not to get on the mis-information kick but your allegations against him implying a link to the DIICOT charges is a link to a Jezebel article with no link to the actual charges. Meanwhile this links to an article in June 20th on NBC which mentions rape in the headline and mentions that authorities said he would be

all men’s sports are open.

Sooo you think it’s fair to force cis-women to take hormone blockers to allow trans athletes? Cis-women must change their bodies to conform iwht your political worldview?

Her coach was the transgender athlete that sued to be included. That coach said it was wrong they were able to compete. She has an expert level knowledge on this. Do we only allow lived experiences when they agree with us?

The idea that trans-women competing doesn’t hurt cis-women is ludacris. If biological sex doesn’t matter why has there been multiple “elite” trans-women athletes but no “elite” trans-men. Unlike Rapinoe, Martina was coached by a trans-athlete who competed against women in the 70's. Renee Richards, the pioneer for

This is incredibly abusive by Brady to Hill. He’s the victim. We’re getting curated, 1 sided messages, from Brady released almost a year after their relationship ended and a month after Jonah welcomed his first child with another woman. They’re designed to humiliate him and have the world think all terrible things

What are you talking about? The security guard without looking just knocked her hand away. She wasn’t slapped to the ground. She presented a threat and the security guard quietly blocked it... like she’s Brittany Spears. If she wanted a photo she asks someone to go up to Wemby’s team and then they take a nice picture,

Is your entire life built around a narrative that other people actually “hate” trans people? Like do you have a concept of the word “hate”? Like the only way you can feel important is if you’re fighting against some else’s hate? So you can be the hero in your own story you need to invent evil and place it on other

So let’s get this straight:

The disrespect shown to Rita Ora here is unwarranted. She needs protection too! 

For that crowd, $1k bottle is just basic table wine - now if they’re busting out the DRC’s that needs to be reported and at that point it’s just bragging

The NBA and all leagues have specific training for all rookies and players in the league. They give all the players tips to avoid these specific situations. From the NBA’s perspective this is a fuck up by Zion. Even if what she’s doing is illegal - talking about releasing revenge porn in this case is probably just as

By definition almost all of these cases are he said/she said - it’s just that a lot of commenters here would prefer the public give more credence to the “she said” than currently happens.

well they’d be just outside so if something happened we’d be able to see they were both in there and we’d be able to see how security was acting.

This isn’t really worth debating too heavily - there’s a million cameras at these events so it’ll be pretty obvious to know who’s telling the truth and who’s lying.