
if you wanted to get weird about it you could say Ross Perot in 92 which split the vote on the right allowing Clinton to win. Nader also spoiled Al Gore though that wasn’t a sitting president situation.

Honestly, this is a fight on sight if I’m Brian Austin Greene. Whoever this Robby Starbuck is should not be talking about someone’s children like this - it’s absolutely disgusting.

He’s 36.

Gay men say it about straight men all the time. It’s such a common trope that it made it in a Ted Lasso episode. To act like it’s insensitive of fucked up is only if they’re doing by assault - but otherwise, yes, it’s quite common regardless of sexual or gender identity and speaks more towards the individual’s

Ted Kennedy against Jimmy Carter is the answer to your question.

This really is a both sides are right. The fact that America is having a Presidential election between a 78 and 80 year old shows the system is incredibly broken. Trump is insane and only out for himself and Biden literally does not know what room he’s in. There has to be better candidates on both sides. 

Buuuuuut she was 100% on a Swedish person who mails he’s underling his blood she met 5 days ago?

She was getting ATN in the transaction if Ken won - Ken would be CEO, Roman would run entertainment and Shiv would run news... that was the structure they put in place

I saw Matssons comments about Shiv to be more about the power and subjection of Tom more than misogyny towards Shiv. He’s trying to see if Tom would be upset if he fucked his wife - a prima nocta if you will - and if he did would Tom still kiss the ring and as if he would like help cleaning up.

I think it’s interesting that it’s not only a queer artist but an up and coming queer artist - it implies that experience gained over time should not be considered. This is a pretty insane take to have in today’s climate where someone needs the experience to incorporate drag concepts but in a way that can’t be

Perhaps I’ve got blinders on - I noticed the dismissals I just didn’t associate it with her gender but her willingness to advocate/make the wrong move nearly every time.

I’ve heard people mention sexism with regards to Shiv but what sexism did she receive - if sexism is about power she abused it all of the time - with Nate, with Tom (whom she cucked and changed their relationship without his consent), she threatened his job if he wasn’t nice to her - like what sexism actually happened

Like a lot of characters I think Matsson is a mis-mash of a bunch of tech people. People like to rail on Musk but he’s really just the best at Silicon Valley. They all talk like him and all think they’re all powerful and knowing. Musk just happens to have been the most successful.

That’s a reading of it but powerful men fucking underlings and them being able to do their jobs hasn’t affected any of the other women. Rhea became CEO, Kerry got ATN interviews, Ebba remained head of Comms and was in the Three Muskateers Gojo photo at the end, and Shiv got on Eavis campaign while fucking Nate.

In that case it’s probably because he thought ATN would collapse with incompetence as Kendall at the head - first rule is do no harm.

Same reason as he voted with Logan in season 1 - it’s still family

How could you miss the biggest hanging threads of the show: Hirsh v. Greenpeace and the status of Waystar RoyCo’s European Animation division!

Say what you will about this show - but the dumbest move of all time was turning down his Grandfather’s offer. Like insanely dumb.

From a “plot” standpoint - you’re absolutely right. From a Shiv stand point, I mean she’s overly emotional and in almost every season gets on her high horse to prove that she’s the straw that stirs the drink - usually to her own demise. In season 1 it’s when she quit/fired from the Eavis campaign, in S2 it’s when she

I mean they still “could” - they won’t, but they definitely still could. BTW Shiv coming in and saying hey why don’t you guys go back and do The Hundred was one of the funniest lines of the episode.