
They are racing at this level for markrting, not a miracle. With how much they invested they BETTER get a win even if it’s an easy one


sorry, but in my mind it’s a hollow victory when you have no competitors.

Depends on the engine rebuild status. A lot of these cars have had their engines rebuilt at 100-150k.

Then 20 years later BBC makes a documentary about how the British invented the electric car.

What is the 1st thing done to a Decommissioned Police car...hmmm???

You can’t do this in the states, but in other countries probably. Another issue not frequently thought about even if he isn’t delivering pizza, is if he gets in a wreck. The other party will assume he is associated with Domino’s and attempt to sue them.

“They can’t do shit”

Yes. Trademark is a protection to make sure people aren’t confused by the source of goods. To use a mark, you need permission. If you use a mark without a license, and then do something high profile and/or obnoxious, expect to have the license holder get pissed about it.

Yes, they can sue you if you put a Dominos trademark on a car, then film monetized Youtube videos with it.

Except saving turtles is objectively good. The others are not.

Of course. I’m not saying that it’s ok to build a dysfunctional system, just that spending on aesthetics should not be considered wasteful by default. To be honest, it seems odd to me that they didn’t follow the same express/local four track model used throughout the system.

No real Porsche Guy thinks this.

I’m gonna pass. Mostly because of the automatic transmission and fried-egg headlights, but also the fact that I can’t afford it.

Duh, read my posts. Never said VB was going to do it. But I did say it was doable decades ago. And it has been done decades ago. Look up DC-X or DC-XA; 25 years ago. 2 and 1/2 decades ago. You STFU.

I don’t want to take away from everyone else’s excitement,. but I’m more intrigued at how excited everyone is than what actually happened.

I just kind of shrug my shoulders and think “Who cares”

Which is precisely how most people act when I enthusiastically discuss cars...

I’m glad this excites eveyone so much. I love to

Still a terrible idea. I’ve driven through water crossings in my Jeep but a deep flood brings dangers that no truck smaller than a deuce and a half can save you from.

Oh you mean the guy who was doing his job messed up the guy who shouldn’t have been driving? Boo hoo.

Parking that on the street is a total dick move. I’m sure many here will be telling me how cool it is, but I can assure you every single one of you would tire of seeing it daily on your drive and having to explain to passengers why a tank is parked on the street.

Could the HOA take the angle that the tank is damaging the pavement? How much damage will driving it on the road do to the road?