
“yea a Porsche driving douche”

Meh, he’s living his dream...

I would assume he was an automotive journalist who picked up some #swag on a #junket. I would then not speak to that person, because ewww.

Are we talking like Shirts that say Mustang or Ford or something?

Absolutely pointless comment. Thanks.

Considering the truck driver was nearly stationary and there was plenty of time to brake or evade, I’m not sure that would hold up. This is akin to rear-ending a stopped car. Just because that stopped car is in a moving lane (instead of at a red light) doesn’t really change the fault in accidents like that.

I blame Tesla for calling something “Autopilot” when it is in fact, just adaptive cruise control that keeps you centered in the selected lane.

While I sympathize with Brown’s family, he was asking for this to happen. His YouTube videos show a clear disregard for safety and a growing urge to push Autopilot 1 to its limits, getting in WAY too many documented near misses in shorter and short spaces of time. He began to trust it too much, and see “what he could

Completely serious. It’s a very functional and intuitive design. I don’t have to look at the controls at all. Although I suppose I can understand why you’d think otherwise judging by the picture.

Depends on how you use your headlights.

Not if I’m asian :)

It’s all about the π × r2 bro

I’ll take 3 exhausts over my Mustang’s “SOUND TUBE”. Literally a tube that connects the intake to the cabin. Easy to disconnect from the intake side, but it’s a PITA to reach the other end in the firewall.

Only three? Child’s play.

Trolls are faster when they’re getting paid for it.

Damn, Russian trolls are quick. Next time, pick a name that isn’t consistent with a Russian allied group that is trying to sow discord in the US.

Consumer Reports has one. Apparently it has spent a lot of time at the dealer getting repaired. Which will surprise no one.

Gorgeous car. Wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole.