
11 hardpoints with 16,000 lbs total capacity for Mavericks, JDAMs, Paveways, etc.

Because it was compared to other vehicles including a manual ZR1, and implied that this was a feat for american manuals...

Que up all the Euro car snobs saying stuff like, “But the interior quality...”, “It doesn’t sound as good as ...” and “But the steering feel ...”; I’m talking to you Matt Farrah.

You are wrong. Turbos work by extracting energy from the exhaust gas and using that energy to compress the inlet air. The amount of energy the exhaust gas has is affected by velocity, heat, pressure (PV=nRT if you remember your high school chemistry) . As the exhaust gas expands within the turbine, heat energy of

Bill is a racer.

What kind of noob takes half a second to shift?

Well said.

Cachet. Can’t underestimate it.

Bill Wise is no slouch at racing. He also has his own team (BnR Racing) and competes in Formula 2000 and Continental series.

Which is about 10 mph slower than the regular ZL1. Shows how much down force this has.

Now playing

All manufacturers use the same start and stop locations.

You and I know that, but it’s silly how many people still think American cars are engineered poorly and they cite idiotic things like specific displacement as evidence. You’d think making a car that’s just as fast as an exotic for a fraction of the cost would be the definition of good engineering, but nope. Big engine

Automotive engineer here: Your assumption is correct. A turbo takes energy out of the exhaust, and heat is energy. The higher the temp, the easier it is to extract that energy. A lot of people mistakenly believe that turbines only care about mass flow, but that is only the kinetic energy part of that equation.

Core and mold design always amazes me. It is unbelievable the complexity they can get in modern castings. There is some really cool stuff going on with 3D printed sand cores. They can make shapes that would be impossible with regular pattern boxes.

God bless America.....that was amazeballs. the sounds gave me all the feels. And now Ill go back to my Type R page and make fun of people paying $62k for an R when they can have this for $70k

...but the last-gen manual transmission Viper ACR is already faster than this...

tricksy hobbits with their sneaksy diameters

Not really. Casting is far superior for complex geometries. Forging improves mechanical properties because it allows you to control grain structure, but it’s likely impossible to forge a component as complex as this manifold.

With turbos (which are the future, it seems), the dynamics of the turbine make runner length tuning kinda pointless. On NA cars, you’ve got a point, but one sneaky way to do it is by playing with diameters as well, which may be possible in these sorts of castings.