deadspin prob my fave site rn

No it’s like the bad word for gay men and women and transgendereds.

Oh shit well you should have said that then? No way we both know what the bad F word is. I won’t say it though because it causes too much hurt.

You can’t be dumb and be as good as he is at this game. Again, this league is no joke and he straight up dominates. You cannot be dumb and do that.

Nothing suggests the liquor was involved except speeding into a bunch of huge rocks at 330am.

No, I’m just saying that whole boat was drunk and just because the toxicology report hasn’t come back yet doesn’t mean that isn’t definitely true. Seems obvious but what the hell do I know? I’ve gotten drunk on millions of boats. Same thing happens every time and it always sucks. Granted, this is worst than most

Hey! What the fuck are you talking about??

Jesus Chrits you could do this all night couldn’t you? Alright you win. I have to go take care of something really important anyways.

thx Amy

Dr Noodles here telling me to light up when we got a guy talking about building, literally, a fence on the border. A fence that somehow broke-ass Mexico is going to pay for. Oh, and let’s forget that Trump is going to start a nuclear war as well. Sorry but imho this is the last time to light up.

Hey look Tony Baloney shows up to say he’s against abortion. My girl Hillary is going to wipe out your whole town there bub.

LOL pyramids are in Egypt there Nostradamus, not Africa.

Ok but can we stop playing nice now? I’m not even playing. Hillary has nothing to apologize for and has done nothing hypocritical. Trump’s ass is the hypocrite, not our girl. This whole idea that we need to apologize for something is ridiculous. Hillary is a politician and Trump is a failed reality TV c-lists

To Africa? I always wanted to go to Africa. Not Detroit though. But still.

Just saying I’m for women’s rights and equal pay. And I think you Trumpadoodledoos need to slow your roll. We’re gonna have a girl president pretty soon.

What the hell is this shit?

Ok? You’re actually talking to a feminist buddy.

President’s debate tonight and your telling me about a radio guy that said the F word and not even the bad F word.

No, Mr. Falcon, I am not chastising the cops at all. How did you get that in your head.

Thank you. Even without getting sloppy double-vision drunk boating is really dangerous. More people need to know this.

Why would the cops say anything but that prior to receiving the toxicology reports? That would be a very dumb thing to do on the off-chance that Jose was not drunk as shit on that boat.