deadspin prob my fave site rn

Not to rain on the parade but he was very drunk and speeding in a boat at 330am, it’s not like he was killed saving a puppy from getting hit by a train.

And you know this because....? Knowing all the capitols of all the states doesn’t make a person smart. I’m telling ya, this kid’s got it. He ain’t loud with his words, but with his actions.

You’re missing the forrest for the trees here it seems. This league is no joke.

Any given Sunday.

Michael Jordon wouldn’t put up with that bullshit.

+1 Great List - I highly recommend all of those books. And once you’re done check these out:

Right? Next thing you know they’ll make a bid for Spreewell again. We talkin bout practass? Doubt he would come back though. All that rims money and business going on.

Interesting theory, but you don’t get to that level without having some guts. And some brains. This league is for real. The NBA is the top basketball league in the world. Why do you think Team USA takes the gold every year at the Olympics? The Dream Team? Countless examples.

Total witch-hunt. This kind of stuff happens all the time in the NFL and we always just look the other way. Kind of surprised to see this behaviour in the NBA to be honest. What can you do though? These teams need their stars to make money for them. It’s a vicious circle but it’s gotta break eventually.

lol is that michael jordan?

yeah right

Wait, what? Hills didn’t say anything about Heidi.

Brilliant? Bar is low these days.