
I am jumping to the conclusion that is posted as fact in the article I'm commenting in. I did not know that was a problem.

So, she got really fucked up, nobody raped her and they took her to the hospital. That is what I'm gathering here. Of course immediately the Jez Brigade is going absolutely ape shit.

Your outlook on life makes me sad.

Yep. If you take the stadium tour there the guides will show you the screen control panel has standard hdmi, a/v, component inputs. All that footage is legit.

Greenberg was just re-enacting the hazing Berman performs on all new hires.

Turok is that you?

Just nobody tell Fox News that the commemorative quote on the 9/11 memorial is about two gay terrorists ... or, if you do, give me time to heat up some popcorn first.

She's in the attic!!!

So I shouldn't say 'Christina Hendricks would be a natural fit in Game of Thrones, and I'd be a natural fit in Christina Hendricks'?

He's getting too old for this shit.

Kid stares in awe at giant Xbox controller. More at 10.

You didn't need to make the disclaimer that you haven't read the book. That much was obvious from the rest of your op-ed. You also sound like you've only watched a highlight reel a few minutes long that some random person compilated and put on youtube...

I didn't read any of this, and I've never been on reddit, but your circular firing squad and lord of the flies comments made me think reddit is filled with fat, dirty, shirtless children with broken glasses throwing big rocks at each other.

Quick everyone, to your fedoras! There's conspiracy afoot.

...the girl was then called for an offensive foul.

The club can't even handle them right now.

Be careful, eating Irish babies can lead to gingervitis.

This is almost as bad as that time Jonathan Swift told everyone to eat Irish babies.


I love it when people get outraged over something they clearly do not understand. It allows me to completely ignore everything else they have an opinion about. I find it similar to peoples outrage over things the cartoon character Cartman has said over the years. The joke has always been... not what he has said...