
it's nice that some of the Eagles know what ties are now.

I think I know the culprit!

Fourth from left. Bielema?

Go back to Lifehacker.

Actually. Wait.

I love this comment more than I could ever say.

especially when her friend in the picture is clearly wearing a sign that says, "Die, Tumor, Die"?

No, it's just a stupid, poorly-written (but possibly effective) headline.

"Death Star's trash compactor"... I... I don't think my girlfriend will like that reference...

This could be useful for music festivals & sporting events where even networks like AT&T in 2014 are jammed and sending a text message takes hours. Would be better if there was private chat though.

What position do you play on your lacrosse team?

Imagine drinking with Sajak and GW Bush. I'm putting politics aside. That'd be pretty fucking fun.

Whatever you say e e cummings.

Sajak hams it up all the time, but he really is funny.

Except for two things:

Re: the burned zombies, they explained it a little on Talking Dead. They said that fire represents two things the decaying vision of zombies can still register: light and movement. So them wandering into the fire kind of makes sense. Also revealed on Talking Dead: the puzzle they were putting together was one of

I want a remake of Gauntlet Legends, specifically.

"Does making men think they're going to potentially have sex with Scarlett Johansson constitute cruelty to animals in some way?"

Ah. Well, there you go. It's not an condescending male figure responsible, it's responsible parents.

"Everything is coming up Milhouse!"