
Damn, that dude sounds like a giant douchebag in that email. Asking his employees to explain to him why they don’t wanna cheat the system to make him some money?

This is just a symptom of the larger problem, which is that WAY too many games are released per year, by several orders of magnitude, and especially on Steam.

My guess is that they sent out press releases or review copies, and probably didn’t get back enough responses, if any at all, OR the decision was made to not send them out, as someone didn’t feel confident enough in the game to handle the potential bad press for an already potentially struggling title.

Probably some

Wish I had a bit more context, were they unwilling or unable to send out Review Copies? Was absolutely no one interested in their game?

Even in Lego form, Donald Glover is still a pants dropper.

Unfortunately they never really have, they also don’t really do long term support very well and tend to always move on to the next big thing rather than continue supporting older products(or even new products really). It’s a damn shame because some of the best engineers and designers are producing the hardware at Sony

Even if Sony had focused more on just supporting the whole PS1/PS2/PSP catalog on the Vita, world would have been a better place.

Doesn’t help that they had / have a propensity to treat third party devs like lower class citizens. I’d previously worked at a PSP dev, and we submitted a game for review.

I totally agree with this article. When Sony first announced the Vita and it’s pricing I laughed at the whole thing. I found it ridiculous to pay that price for a handheld especially one that used a mobile network which would cost even MORE money (the mobile network was from AT&T). Then a few years ago after

Great article. I really wish Sony supported it more. I use it for PS1/PSP games constantly and love it for that. But I think that will eventually hit its own time limit. Danganronpa also has kept me with my vita for a while, and 3 will surely. But I’m quite tempted to get 3 for my PS4 now that it’ll be on it. I also

THIS. I hope the higher ups in Sony are reading this.

The part about memory pricing is the true travesty in my opinion, because it basically made their device a nearly $400 purchase for a long time. And unfortunately, that time was when they were still advertising and putting out games for it. That’s an obscene amount of money to charge for a handheld and decent sized

I concur. So many possibilities, and yet so many unfulfilled promises with the Vita. There are some genuinely good games on the machine, but so few to pick from, and that’s frustrating for Vita owners like me, who now spend a much larger chunk of time on the 3DS for mobile gaming.

Well said!


THANK YOU. I can’t believe how many times I try to explain these points to people. The biggest offender on this list in my opinion are the memory card prices. I truly believe they would have sold the Vita better if the high end card didn’t cost half as much as the console itself. It still baffles me that they haven’t

I can’t like this article hard enough. This is exactly everything I said when I said how disappointed I was when Sony were disowning the vita. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻


At least companies other than Sony haven’t forgotten about the Vita. Looking forward to Trails of Cold Steel, and admittedly I’ll probably play Omega Labyrinth.

Well. Said. I’ll never get why Sony didn’t push it harder here in the West after the PSP took a respectable chunk of the mobile market. I may actually fire mine up with Megaman Legends coming out tomorrow.