
What I think Nintendo figured out is if you’re going to have underwhelming hardware (by choice, or strategy), like a cell phone, or even the Wii, you need to have fun games that fit the hardware. There is room for all of it. Cell phone games are the kind you pick up and put down in a few minutes without getting very

Yeah, it literally makes the cost go from reasonable to unreasonable, when you factor in the fact that you can buy a used PS4 for about as much as a new Vita with 64GB card.

Sony has been screwing customers for years with their memory cards, all the way back to one of the first PDAs (remember the Clie’ lol..?). Proprietary memory cards add a LOT to the cost of the device, but consumers just comparing things online based on price and specs may not realize this. Sony is what happens when a

This was a well written response to the lack of Vita support. It’s 2018, and I just bought a 3DS because even though the price for the ‘new’ XL 3DS was $180 used, because the game library is so expansive, there are a ton of games I already have on my wish list to play. I didn’t even think of getting the Vita, because

Ah man, I wish you hadn’t said that lol.. Now I just think of Han and Chewie as if they were living in an old mini-van in New Jersey. But with space lasers, pew pew!

I’ve had bosses like this, they don’t even see what huge douchebags they are because they’re fine with the imbalance of power. That being said, I think all the employees SHOULD be given a free copy to play and give an HONEST and anonymous review of, with a disclaimer that they are an employee.

Well said! I’m not an avid gamer, but I spend probably $200/yr on Steam games, and most of those are older / indie titles that have already been out for a few years, and I happen to be searching through a specific genre of games I like and find them. The only things I’d buy on launch days are IPs I’ve already played

I know this is soooo old, but I was seriously so pissed after the very first courthouse scene I wanted to smash the controller and burn the game. It is so infuriating to spend literally an hour in the basement of the courthouse trying to figure out how to short the power to the box so the door to the clue will open.