
Nothing about that is generic, you are just projecting your dislike for anime style games. This carries many similarities to the Tales of series as well as many other Bandai games.

He must have been real butt hurt when Persona 5 didn’t look like the announcement trailer.

PS not serious just thinking this news could do with some racially motivated controversy.

 Are they yellow washing? The characters weren’t asian in FMA minus the characters that were from ya know a country modeled after china. I guess its fine if the people representing Xing end up being white.

You can’t always repeat or scale up the threat level of your villains. Otherwise, you risk people becoming numb and bored. Take JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. Kars was the worst thing to happen to the planet earth he was a threat to everyone and everything. Kira was a serial killer in Morioh. He was also bad just not as

I love the people complaining about bad writing. its really easy to say. But everyone fails to outline specifically what is bad or lacking. “The writing is garbage”. Why? “Its just not good”. Why specifically? “You can tell, it just isn’t as good as the other games”. So basically all I am hearing in this situation is,

Classic reporting flub. Arika is looking for funding options, the April fools part of that story was that the game being fake was a joke.

Did you seriously copy and paste his decription from google???? For someone that is writing articles on the entirety of the series that is a pretty pathetic slip up. Can you not even actually put in the effort to do your job appropriatley.

Gilgamesh is only played for laughs in 5? That is usual? One game in a 15 plus series?

This is just more unjustified vitriol. Reviewers failing to do their due diligence and actually play the whole game and review it fairly by discussing positives and negatives both. Instead they take a well established franchise, focus solely on the few negatives and use their sway as “entertainers” to establish their

Unfortunately while I don’t care for Felix or his videos. This is the result of poor journalism. The media is responsible for backing their reports, their assessments on facts that they should be able to support with evidence. Even though the people who loathe the media are douches. Trump, Felix their supporters, it

Lotta hate on this thread for Platinum. Like be real fans stop being entitled gamers. Yes they have had bad games so has every other developer. That doesn’t make all previous and future projects shit just because they had a few rotten apples. Nier Automata looks fantastic and I will continue to support this developer.

So my Top Five in descending order is #1 FFIX #2 FFVI #3 FF Tactics #4 FFXII #5 FFVII. Am I just mentally ridiculous? I honestly feel with the exception of Necron FFIX is the perfect Final Fantasy. Something about Kuja’s laced up Shakira hips I guess.

I thought the relationship between the party was done incredibly well. I thought the combat was fun and engaging. I thought the actual difficulty spike between day and night was done better in this title than it has been in other games. I personally liked the Score of the game I thought the art design was incredible.

Again I don’t think FF15 is perfect. I think that it is good. I think they have done better (FF6,FF9). and I think they have done worse. (FF8,FF Mystic Quest)

You keep generalizing saying “everyone” but this game is actually pretty popular and though sales were down this was considered a success.

You have to know that gamers are entiltled. The cost of new games hasn’t increased in years but the amount of work and resources involved with developement has increased exponentially. Gamers hold reviews as gospel. Yet they never hold the reviewer accountable for bias or poor reporting. The industry itself is in

The Empire has no individal strength not really anyway. Their abilities are attributed to Magitek introduced to them by Ardyn. They are strong but not inhumanley so Like Noctis Regis or Ardyn.

Of the vast number of entries in the series only cloud and Squall were “emo”. Tidus was really the only child. Deus Ex Machina is only dumb when done poorly. Because of how frequenlty its used people tend to hate it based on repitition rather than execution. Try FF6 or 9 or Chrono Trigger or Cross or Suikoden 2 or

Im not really settling. Good, Amazing, all subjective the industry has changed enough that trying to get all gamers on the same page is impossible. I will be critical when I think its necessary but gamers have become entitled with unrealistic demands and expectations. I am a fan I support the companies I have come to