
She wasn’t the only person coaching Squall through his issues though and she wasn’t without her own problems either. This was a game about broken people coming together and struggling through their complications. To assume that the game implied in some way that it is a woman’s job to fix broken men misses the mark in

I’m sorry but saying that if you are using this expression then you are being involuntarily racist is garbage. We have the power to use phrases in a different context and affix new meaning to them. Its harder with direct slurs like the N-Word but if you are going to get riled up over innocuous phrases that have long

Deleting my comments now? Really how childish. Its pathetic Kotaku doesn’t hold you guys accountable for your actions. Truly an embarrassment to the industry. Learn to behave and act like an adult with a job and maybe you wouldn’t get critiqued so negatively.

Hey look everyone Jason is being an unprofessional twat yet again. I can’t wait to read an article where he whines about the way people treat him or where he ponders why a company in the industry would blacklist him. How about you stop projecting how miserable your life is into your reviews so people can actually take

Your reporting on their events is subpar and very much biased. Eventhubs, Shoryuken, Iplaywinner are all sites involved in the community and maintain very neutral views especially when covering the “bad”. Your articles have and probably always will be perceived as which hunts by that community, but hey its becoming

Getting mad like that is a little pathetic. Maybe they Blacklisted you because you have a notoriously unprofessional attitude. The way you guys handle criticism is pretty laughable. You either choose to ignore it outright or you act like children and respond emotionally, even to the point where you guys group up and

What the fuck does this have to do with her art. Jesus, what a sad tragic life you lead that it bothers you so much that you can’t just enjoy her work.

I don’t think Nippon Ichi has made it outside of the fringe market in the States. They have great titles don’t get me wrong, but I think the other three have made way bigger games.

Thats weird. You’d think they would make as big of a deal about it. Tales of has kind of slipped into the niche I suppose. But I always considered Namco, Atlus, and Square to be the trinity when it comes to triple A JRPGs


Yes obviously I do care. You decided to argue with me and I want the reason you feel justified in your statement. But you will not/have not provided it. You chose to respond and disagree with what I said yet you have nothing to prove your point. I am entertaining the idea you might have a reason for this way of

Clearly you did enough to respond. The bottom line is that you start arguments like a child then back out when you can’t use logic and reason to settle it. You probably didn’t have any real opinions at all you just parrot what other people say and can’t think for yourself. Now you are butt hurt cause someone called

I am not full of myself this is just an example of poor critique. You might as well be an IGN writer with this sub par evaluation of video game art. You lack examples. You can’t be specific. All you do is repeat yourself. You resort to namecalling when you get put on blast for being bad at supporting your own argument.

LOL you can’t even provide one fucking example how pathetic of an argument can you possibly have! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST LOL

Oh my god look at all the gross simillarities it might as well be a carbon copy of these other things how generic.

Hey look still you supply nothing to back up your claim, just another uninformed troll being negative for the sake of negativity.

Also if it was truly so generic you would be able to provide some sort of evidence to support the claim, yet all you have done is repeat yourself and others without providing anything as an example. You are the ones complaining the burden of proof is on you otherwise you are just being negative for the sake of being

I guess ‘I’m just a huge fan of pixelated blurs then, good thing a small irrelevant Icon is expected to reveal so much about a persons interests.

Carrying similarities to a bunch of other games from the same developer vs other games in the genre from different developers your point is invalid.

Grouping all anime styles in one visual category is incredibly short sighted. Namco games are often gorgeous and unlike other anime inspired games.