Vivi and Zidane share a pee together so thats basically number one.
Vivi and Zidane share a pee together so thats basically number one.
Hey Jason, I have been toying around with the thought that Ardyn is a reference to Sephiroth. Both chosen to be heroes, both grew to hate the people they were supposed to protect. Ardyn has the one black angel wing accessory and Sephiroth has the actual one black angel wing. Think there is anything to that?
I did look at your arguments, I just don’t agree with them.
I don’t know what to tell you, It was certainly not the best Final Fantasy ever but it was far from the worst. I enjoyed what I played I was touched by the story. I hope someday they will make a game that rivals 9 in all its glory. If I have to settle for good while I wait for amazing I’m not gonna complain.
I would argue that the biggest plot hole is Ravus/Luna being alive after the attack.
So they received lots of complaints about their linear story telling. Dark Souls receives praise for how they handled their lore. FF 15 Breaks the story into two parts the simple narrative told in cuscenes/dialogue between party and the various sources of lore scattered throughout the map and that is lazy. Fair enough…
The correct wording is “don’t make a lick of sense to me”. With the exception of Final Fantasy 13, I don’t often find myself at odds with their stories.
This isn’t Nomura story. It was recycled and rewritten by Tabata. Nomura isn’t a story writer hes a character designer? He has only made a few attempts at writing a story and he was partnered with other writers at Square.
No one is aking you to like it or agree, and we aren’t saying that it is without its flaws either. I think you need to relax.
I noticed the same trend with comics vs manga.
The dialogue between Ravus and his sister in Tenebrae indicated that he wanted to maintain control of her whereabouts. Glaucos could have taken her without Ravus knowing. When Ravus took the ring he showed that he was trying to amass power he wasn’t exactly following orders. Further when he did pick it up he was…
Maybe the way stories are written for Jrpgs vs Western Rpgs can just be summed up as a cultural difference. I have been playing Rpgs on both sides for years and I’m pretty comfortable with/used to the trends and tropes of Japanese games. They expect players to infer and assume a lot of information and rely heavily on…
To be fair, this isn’t a scenario where they hid all the details among different sources expecting the players to do the leg work. They activley pushed Kingsglaive and Brotherhood at conferences and via advertisements. Most players going into this knew about them. Dark Souls has an entire community based around hidden…
Ardyn killed his sister. You can probably imagine that that might have angered him. The Empire is clearly established as a puppet. They blindly followed their ruler because he was once thought of as a benevelent king very similar to Regis. He was corrupted by Ardyns promise of prosperity via the crystal. Obviously…
Actually now that I think about it. Plot holes have been a common complaint about this title in general, but I feel as though I have an absolutley clear picture about what happened and why it happened. Can anyone shed some light?
SPOILER! Why is Ravus’s story considered a hole? I was under the impression he was pissed off because Regis abandoned him?
Japanese anime and video games have always represented their interpretation of the appearance of caucasian people. A model sold in Asia might not be reflective of their own culture due to their obsession with pop culture in America.
What if game Journalism seems really really exciting to you? What if you spent 20 years of your 26 year old life playing nothing but JRPGs? What am I supposed to do with all of the assorted non essential information I have gained from this lifestyle?
I was just thinking it looked like a Mega Man sprite
Do you have any advice for someone looking to try their hand at reviewing/journalism? I have been an avid JRPG fan since I was a child, and I have been playing games pretty much all my life. Currently I work for a game and hobby store in Ohio under their Used Video game department and I tend to spend most of my time…