Midnight Tok'ra

I need “What about the children?”.


Must be a day ending in ‘y’

Hey, don’t cull all of us boomers. We have the blueprints for the guillotines. 

Oh, I’m sure the 2nd Amendment people could do something.

Should I wear black or dark blue to your funeral?

I would ask for the bacon on the side and let someone else at the table eat it.

Leave the bodies. Take the cannoli.

I’ll aleow it.

Well, you learn sumptin’ new every day. I withdraw half of my comment.

Two whut?

Because its not finished?

Shes worked with Adam Savage. James May would be a step down.

The second line she says: And more specifically, I really want a Tesla pickup.

You, good internet stranger, have no soul.

She did say at the end that she wants to put a lift kit on it.


My New Hero is just as fitting.

She’s already kicked its ass twice. I hope its learned its lesson this time.