“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they’re doing!”
Did you get a nice price on that?
You’re funny. But looks aren’t everything.
Should be pantsing it.
Self-reflection is so important.
Oh, god, not again.
Off topic, but does anyone have an idea of why Jalopnik is the only GMG site that I get a) the comment section, and b) full-height tweets in the body of the article?
How can we forget them if they won’t go away?
Wait until he loses in 2020, then push through the articles of impeachment in December. The Senate still won’t vote to remove him, but at least history will show that he was impeached.
$64 million. $10MM for me, $55MM for my therapist team.
They used mine to replace my missing eyelids when I was born. Worked out pretty well, but now I’m a little cockeyed.
The benefit is, now they’re more likely to get shingles as adults. Which it SO. MUCH. FUN.
They know what causes that now.
public humiliation
I, too, welcome the EPAs quick action on climate change.
♫♪ We are the gouda squad and we’re coming to town, beep beep! ♪♫