
“This isn’t exactly new territory for Indians fans, many of whom are eager to point out that the logo isn’t actually racist because it wasn’t meant to be racist, or that Chief Wahoo is fine because he reminds them of watching baseball with their dads, or that they heard Native Americans have other shit to worry

The two party system is a beautiful thing. Tell me how much you like extra parties when they New Trump Populist party wins with 37% support.

Not only this...polling data during debate among watchers showed this is where she polled best among self described conservatives.

“But we ignored all of these warning signs for months in favor of bitching about Hillary Clinton not giving press conferences. We sure showed her!”

You keep mentioning the endowment like it is a budget surplus. That isn’t the case. You can’t really just dip into an endowment to spend whatever you want. The point of an endowment that size is to operate on whatever the growth occurs and maintain its size so you can continue to operating on the

So, as someone who knows he’s well to the left of Clinton, I just read all the excerpts here and found two things I outright disagreed with, neither of which came as any shock (speaking favorably about Simpson-Bowles and speaking favorably about Keystone). The entire thing is

Patrick, this is irresponsible.

Maybe I’m really baked right now (I am), but it seems like JK doesn’t understand that Univision bought them with the express position that they are dumping the liabilities (which is a fucking sweet deal). It isn’t a question of integrity or lack of integrity, it’s a question of whether keeping those posts up will

I think it’s pretty clear that I’m talking about loading times that interrupt the gameplay in some way. In NMS, from what I’ve played so far, everything is seamless. As planets and space stations render, you’re still in control, so you never get that little burst of minor irritation that comes from opening a door or

No. When people say stupid anti-science shit, Gizmodo writes about it.

Yeah, pretty much that’s the reason I started digging a bit deeper into her positions. And then I realized that she’s genuinely an awful person, and I started reading her Twitter feed and looking at other statements she’s made, and she went from “Well, I’m sure she’s a perfectly lovely leftie” to “Jesus Christ, this

It’s popular among a certain segment of establishment-wary liberals to say that it’s not that vaccines are unsafe, necessarily, but that the Food and Drug Administration oversees them The FDA and other federal regulatory agencies can’t be fully trusted, that argument goes, and so vaccine safety is called into

Just a reminder that back in ‘08, when Obama picked Biden, everyone was like “That boring old white dude?” And now we’re all like UNCLE JOE PLEASE DON’T LEAVE US.

It came out in 2004. At that time everything about it was unique.

You are seriously underestimating what black people feel afraid of.

Or, maybe he just likes the game and that’s ok.

Name checks out. More substantively,