
Fortunately Hell's Kitchen expanded.

Either one of them?

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

What happens if the Cardinals end up winning like 90 games? Do they just quietly phase these updates out when it becomes clear that they’re good? I just feel like it’s a little embarrassing to have a headline that reads “The Cardinals lost their 65th game” when they’re 80-65 or something.

Even as a Cubs fan, this is salty and weird.

Having worked in zoos for 7 years in my life, and having personally known Stacey, maybe I can add some of my own experience.

You misunderstand.

There are a couple hundred Malayan tigers left; just leaving them all where they live is maybe not the best way to still have Malayan tigers in ten years.

Does anyone even care about this movie anymore (besides Cameron)?

Respectfully disagree - the Nolan Batman films were generally well-received by critics and the public.