Just A Punter

HOLY SHIT. I love the internet sometimes.

if you can’t hit a HR in a HR Derby, you probably aren’t doing it in a game....

I hope the players watch for falling debris because her first kick in the NFL is going to shatter the glass ceiling.

So are we just conceding that tackling is not a skill we require in kickers?

I want to live in the world where Carli Lloyd, in uniform, takes a knee during the anthem of a Colts-Falcons game, and a stadium full of 60,000 NFL fans suffer simultaneous brain aneurysms.

Listen, that kid knew concussions were part of the deal when he signed the contract. He’s neck deep in orange slices and pizza parties, so what’s he got to complain about?


I’m not letting my kid get a Participation in Concussion Drills trophy, man. He’s gotta earn his Concussion Champion trophy.

We got a new coach my senior year of HS who instituted a drill where two players lined up 10 yards apart, and one would run full-speed and tackle the other who stood dead still with their arms straight up in the air. Now that I think about it, that guy should probably be in jail.


Jesus christ. When the fuck did it become acceptable for adults to cheer at a 6 year old(?) getting a concussion? 

Heroic NCAA Protects Student From Football

Adam Shefter is definitely the hard seltzer of sports reporters, so this makes sense on that level.

Unbelievably, I had to correct this from “100% TRUMP supporter” to “110% TRUMP supporter.” 

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.

The umpire responded by throwing a glass of red wine in Tsitsipas’ face, hitting him with a baguette, and then pondering his own existence while taking a long drag from a cigarette.

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

I would frame that email and put it up in my office just like I framed the printout from the College Republicans website at a previous university that declared me a “communist indoctrinator.”

I honest to God have no idea who you’re arguing with right now.

Penn State has a long history of pressuring people to do things before they’re ready.