Just A Punter

Can he coach both teams?

I stopped watching the NFL several years ago, but Sendejo has always been a shitty tackler and always goes for the big hit (and often misses). Not surprised to see him almost kill someone.

Lauren, normally love your writing. But this is BS. Give the man some credit for doing something good.

When you’ve had everything handed to you in life and you’re a privileged white guy, yeah you probably didn’t want or need any of your jersey sales.

For me, the answer is simple. STOP WATCHING THE NFL. Or anything about the NFL.

Federer is left with nothing but a shocking upset loss and continued ownership over one of tennis’ strangest streaks.

First off, this is completely, 100% false. From 60 yards? Probably. 70? Absolutely not.

Arizona comes up Khalil bit short in Hawaii

I don’t really see the crotchety-ness of their comments. It wasn’t like those idiots from Pittsburgh ranting for 5 minutes about unwritten rules. I mean it’s an actual written rule that you shouldn’t run onto the field.

It’s time for them to walk. Seriously. They hold all the cards. Drop out of the Olympics and we’ll see how the USSF deals with its only good team not competing in the OLYMPICS.

MLS will never be relevant unless they get on the same schedule as the rest of the world (Aug-May). Then they could play these tournaments that have exciting knockouts. Can you imagine a REAL Champions League of the Americas with Liga Mx and some of the South American leagues? That might be interesting! That might

Very stable genius

This has to be one of the dumbest takes I’ve ever seen (TG I don’t watch those stupid talkshows anymore).

Anyone else think she looks like if Kellyanne Conway had enough money for plastic surgery and decided to go brunette instead of blonde?

For their over-celebration “antics” and failure to follow the unwritten rules of U-18 soccer, the Koreans are hereby designated “the Dominicans Cubans of Asia.”

The Tibetan side is still “safe” FYI. Sounds like it’s regulated and the groups that take people up over there seem to care about safety and protecting nature more than anything.

How the hell are Sunderland already in League One!? They were in the Premier League like two years ago!

He’s just tired of all the winning his buddy in the White House is doing for the rest of us.

When will these idiots stop comparing skipping a White House visit to see Trump to a WH visit to see Obama? They’re apples comparing apples and oranges (pun intended)...

This is why horse racing is possibly the dumbest sport. We get humans to sit on animals and try to control them and make bets on whose animal that we sit on is the fastest.