Just A Punter

I catch your drift, but the fact that Trump doesn’t live in England is actually a very, very bad thing.


“Emit those statistics” is pretty perfect. I can smell the stench from here.

I’ll always love that the people who claim there’s noting wrong with being a nationalist are the same who will say that Nazis were socialists because it’s in the name, and without a shred of irony.

I think it would be helpful if we changed the typing and pronouncement of “Nationalism” to “Nazionalism” to really drive the point home.

Exactly, two of three seemed like they were good human beings. The Swarzak’s seem like a reprehensible twosome who are more in line with most MLB couples

This new curve ball of “Hey mannnn, nationalism is cool mannn. it just means I like the stars and stripes and George Washington mannn. Maybe it’s YOU that’s the racist one” is so mind numbingly dumb and scary and dangerous and fucking evil.

Gotta admit, in a story involving three baseball players and their wives, I did not think an overwhelming majority would have reasonable opinions. 

“Apparently there’s some confusion about white nationalism” and went on from there. “It’s irresponsible to use the word ‘white nationalim’ (sic) as it spreads a false narrative that it’s negative to be proud of your country.”

Oh my God, fuck you, lady.

At least in Canada, outside of the completely idiotic law that bears that name, we haven’t referred to them by that word since like, the 1970's? Because it’s a name that was given to them by a guy who literally thought he was somewhere else and doesn’t reflect their standing as having been here for a few thousand

I’m actually not. Nor am I looking for an “apology”. Or trying to promote myself. I’m saying that if the broadcasters for my local professional baseball team can do it, maybe Deadspin could, too? Especially after they have made such a big deal about the now-defunct logo for said team?


It is humorous as hell to know that nobody thought to say beforehand, “Hey, this might actually cost us more than it would to pay them.”

To be fair, the river did stare at that home run for a really long time.

In their defense, the men’s team actually...oh sorry, I forgot, the men’s team has no defense.

These owners really need to stick to sports.

If we HAVE to stand for a specific song, and HAVE to put our hands on our hearts or risk getting jacked are we really free?


I look forward to seeing him picked by the Giants in the first round of the 2020 draft.

Sure, Amell might be embarrassed right now but this serves as a first rate audition for my upcoming epic C’mon, Man, I’m Wide Open: The Christian Hackenberg Story.