Just A Punter

At least he withdrew before getting to deuce.

Well, nothing says good faith settlement discussion than publishing complete bullshit stats to try to make the other side look like greedy ungrateful women. Pay them.


it seems that the season won’t actually kick off for 154 days, which is December 30.

I love how usually the first people to go after a women’s appearance is almost always a guy who looks like Dana White or Donald Trump

^^^ The reaction of a lot of people to the USWNT’s success

I feel similarly about watching Johan Santana in the mid 00's. His starts were class-skip-worthy offenses, and the feeling of the lineup and the whole team was just different when he was up there. I wanted so badly for him to overcome the shoulder injuries that started plaguing him even back in 2002/3. There were

I love how yelling “fake” in the middle of any argument is now a substitute for facts, information, truth, conscience, compassion, empathy, intelligence, understanding...etc.

what a fucking gem of a human. i don't have anything constructive to add to this conversation. i just like hearing about her and knowing she's out in the world being such a goddamn force of nature. 

oh yeah dude. huge oversight on my part not including a lengthy aside disavowing ariana grande in this post. I'll get right on that 

“You’ve been traded to the Knicks.”

Buying at the deadline five games under .500 to pwn the libs

What better way to stick it to the Yankees by not only refusing to send them Syndergaard because of...reasons...but also trading for one of the few viable options they had left?

Most shocking of all, Mike Francesa was right.

Let’s be clear - puking in a bathroom of a gas station 7/11 off the interstate after you just spent the last of your money on meth is rock bottom.

Wait, so they were “visiting a friend” when they noticed they were out of juice, and their friend wouldn’t let them leave the car there to charge? 

Dude is an absolute saint, if only because he’s waging a one-man crusade against the Florida Man stereotype.  

This replay bought to you by Taco Bell.

also it was later shown on video evidence that she was farting underwater, propelling her body forward faster and leaving her competitors behind to deal with wandering fart bubbles

it seems physically impossible for a college football coach to unequivocally come out and say that players should switch schools unencumbered when they want to