Just A Punter

I’ll mark you down for a 2 on that one.

Be a shame if people crept onto the course at night at shat in the holes on the greens. 

The people that cheer on black players in any sport would absolutely move to the other side of the street if they were walking towards them.

Indeed, just as it is now the trend for quarterbacks to grow a third leg to attract more penalties for being hit below the knee.

Detroit had two top offensive talent that were transcendent in the way they played the game at their position (Sanders and Calvin Johnson). Both retired early (with good money still on their contracts) instead of continuing their career with the Lions.

I said aloud to myself “remember to fix that,” and then hit publish without fixing it like 15 seconds later. I am the worst.

against the division-leading Cleveland Indians

People keep asking why baseball isn't popular and no one ever says "watching grown adults hurl baseballs at someone for staring slightly too long at a home run is fucking stupid and confusing". How about legislating that shit out of the game? 

Right. To my way of thinking, anyone who doesn’t get along with Mike Clevinger must be a doucherocket...

Came here to say this.

I am a huge Minnesota fan and I love this take.

Just another example of somebody on the left jumping all over him ....

Disclaimer: there is no joke in this comment.

That’s what happens when your scouting report is just a list of fictional characters you think are going to be recast as minorities.

Man, must be tough to be continually harassed like this.

I’m a huge Cleveland fan and I hope Bauer gets lit up every single outing.