This seems like a lot of work just to be able to put a 26.2 sticker on his car.
This seems like a lot of work just to be able to put a 26.2 sticker on his car.
Sure thing, my criticism is with their complaints about being misunderstood or criticized in their genre. Like actually complaining and woe is me-ing about it. I have no clue how their popularity should be handled, I also am not the music police, so who can make it and what they use to express them selves is not in my…
yep yep yep. that is THE fucking key. i’ve said it time and time again on this site. black people love giving white people props even if they’re just good, and not great, at whatever black cultural expression they’re doing. go to an hbcu and see a white girl with some rhythm. Black people will gas her THEE fuck up. Go…
The problem isn’t the enjoyment or even use of ideas outside of your natural milieu; the fact that people learn and grow from one another and enjoy each other’s cultures is, to state it plainly, beautiful. But black people have reason to fear that this will turn out to be an uneven trade. Some people will benefit from…
I am of the belief that it’s not so much that black audiences don’t want white artists exploring a black sound: the issue is that white artists can be bad while employing black style and still be successful.
The NFL makes waayyy too much money to have a salary cap. If I were the head of the NFLPA, I would go to them with an ultimatum: Kill the salary cap or give us Guaranteed contracts. If you choose neither, we strike. Too much money that is “suppose to go to the players” ends up back in Owners hands because of…
Up until that moment family dinners always ended with “But he has two rings?!” Now no one even gives a shit if he shows up.
Miller’s 27 years old, the Broncos would be stupid to guarantee anything beyond 2 or 3 years, from a team standpoint having the flexibility to move or release him if his play starts to decline is hugely important.
I didn’t say they’re confused. I said they’re messing with me so I die sooner and they can have all my stuff.
Lest anyone too young to know might think the draft dodger angle is the biggest insult in this tweet, refusing to call him Ali, and instead insisting on calling him Clay was the racist dog whistle of choice back then. Racist whites refused to do so for years after.
Dear Representative Daniel,
An armed white guy.
The only thing that I would point out is that “mental illness” means different things to different people, and some people probably aren’t thinking about legal/legislative ramifications when they label a misogynistic murder as “probably caused by mental illness.”
Today I read an article about a Korean woman who was stabbed to death by a man who hates women. He admitted he felt ‘ignored’ by women. The comments to that article? You’d think those men were being paid to deny misogyny exists. Everything from ‘mental illness’ to ‘women these days’ were trotted out for reasons at to…
This is a global problem and one that people continue to ignore. They blame sex positive attitudes, lack of morals and “risky” behavior anything besides MISOGYNY. That the rapists feel brazen enough to post on social media tells you everything about how much of non criminal act they believe rape to be.
I understand the theory behind this argument. Here’s where it falls apart:
1) The power relationship between employees and employers — particularly employees in a range where a living wage is an issue — is hugely asymmetrical. An employer who can’t find an employee to work minimum wage is generally not on the verge of…
YES. Yes. Fuck people who pull that shit on their employees.
Well – the other trick of that is that they only give those gigs to trust fund scions, because they’re the only ones who can afford to work those hours without getting paid in the cities where that kind of work is in demand. So you have the added “benefit” that
It’s sad. My mom has been busting her ass working 50+ hour work weeks (but only paid for 40) for years as a restaurant manager making around $35k. Her hips hurt, she’s exhausted, and she has zero social life. I told her about this, and even she, my poor overworked mother, had nothing but negative things to say and she…
Keep licking those corporate boots! Maybe someday your overlords will reward you with more scraps in the race to the bottom!