TO ME, MY BEER!!!!!!!!!!

False. Hollywood reboots movies that absolutely do not need them all the time (and most of the time the trailers for those projects look like shit too). I can’t think of a single reboot that has attracted anywhere NEAR the level of vitriol as the Ghostbusters reboot. There’s almost nothing different from Ghostbusters

I'm sorry that happened to you. Fucking lame ass thieves.

Oh god. Whatever. Unless you are whipping them out and showing them to her, the fact is that she’ll see a man’s back standing at a urinal. If she’s a curious girl (and most children are) she might stare (good time to teach a child not to) and look to see a flacid penis mostly covered by a dude’s hands/pants, peeing

People so conveniently forget that George W. took more vacation days than any other president in history.

President Obama and the family could be living in a rowhouse in DC Proper, and these people would still find something to bitch about.

Gorgeous house, just gorgeous. I love driving through the neighborhoods of the Rock Creek Park area; they are all amazing. That Kelly woman is an idiot, though. No fucking way is the Secret Service going to allow a former President to move into a struggling DC neighborhood, even if he wanted to (and really, why would

Yup I’m wondering just how many were criticizing Bush for not living in a run down neighborhood as an example to the community.

But she literally got handcuffed for trying to talk over the judge.

Makes me think of the Homer Simpson quote "Trying is the first step towards failure!"

There needs to be a balance between perseverance and knowing when to quit something that isn’t working for you. If you quit things too soon, or don’t invest time in them, then you’ll only ever be successful in the things that you like or are innately good at. On the other hand, if you stick with something that you

Stephanie is a national treasure.

Female Military Veterans Respond to Sexual Assault Report: “NO SHIT, SENIOR CHIEF McFUCKFACE.”

i ask my kid’s friends’ parents if they have guns in the house. if they do, my daughter doesn’t play there. people aren’t as safety-oriented as they think they are.

As a vet, these stories just break my heart. I can tell you from personal experience that the military is an enormous bureaucracy that exists to perpetuate itself and guard its prerogatives and values, and it pushes back hard against anything that is perceived to threaten them. It’s not that the system is designed to

Before he died, Corey Haim gave a really sad interview talking about how he was molested multiple times as a child actor. I believe he even said he was raped on the set of Lost Boys. The saddest part was when he told his mother, he said her response was essentially “Forget it ever happened unless you want to ruin your

That’s an interesting thesis. Any science to back that up? I will say that when work is going for shit, running is the only thing that keeps me sane. Don’t tell my partner that.

What a creative way to save taxpayer money! Other things that are not real and therefore do not require time and/or effort:

Believing most rape accusations are false should result in immediately losing your job as sheriff.