
One of the worst parts is the governor--an old, white heir to billions--calling the kneeling disgraceful.

What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.

To use the n-word in condemning a black man for protesting racism and police brutality requires some Simone Biles level mental gymnastics.

Whichever media company sees fit to greenlight Steve Smith: Shit Talking Around the World will make a fucking mint.

just criticizing for the sake of bitching

I do not think Hillary is perfect, I guess to me there’s a difference between acknowledging that she - or any candidate - is flawed and just criticizing for the sake of bitching. I don’t see the point in bitching about it now at this point in the race. Yes, when it was her and Bernie and the platform was being put

She’s not worse than Donald Trump. No One is saying that. Let me repeat No One is Saying that. But don’t think it hasn’t been noticed, particularly by young black women, that when we bring up her record and her actions, and try to hold her accountable, like taking money from the geo group and the CCA, her racism in

How is she the greatest? I realize she is part of the history that brought us here, but if she’s willing to to look at things differently now, how is she still worse than Donald Trump? Seriously asking.


I find it pretty funny that people can participate in a discussion about the place of “fact-checking” in a presidential debate without reflecting on the individual who has singlehandedly made the discussion necessary.

yes. our nation is WOEFULLY lacking in critical thinking skills.

It’s not only that, it’s that people don’t know how to critically evaluate the sources that they find. They think everything on the internet is true and if someone wrote something, it must be correct. Look at the damn source and THINK about it.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

Well it’s a shame it took her whole family getting sick but it’s refreshing to hear an anti-vaxxer say “I was wrong, I was batshit, I’ve since researched and have changed my mind”.


Oh, right -- because that’s when that travesty of a “law” takes effect and then they’re no longer required to release that video.

Where “spirit” is “carefully release / manipulate select evidence that bolsters the shit we quickly made up and then cast aspersions on any and all other proof that contradicts us.”

At this point they’re fucked. Where the lie started and who started it, we will probably never know, but basically they know they’re caught and have to figure out what to do.

Only that it happens at the same time Bill Clinton is about to return to the White House.

Is there any irony so delicious for those of us who had to sit through this soggy rice cake’s 15 minutes in the 90's than Ken Starr getting fired for *not* investigating a sex scandal?