
When I saw your 2nd quick response, I initially thought that we could have a reasonable discussion. Reading your response shows that this is not the case. It is full of such horse shit. I really like your assertion that the black community is ruled by a policy of "no snitching". I can tell you that my wide experience

Oddly, I didn't say anything resembling that. I thought I explained how A + B + C = the higher crime rates attributed to blacks which you keep referring to. You may also notice how those higher crime rates lower when correlated with a combination of race and income rather than just comparing by race alone.

Only someone who is completely oblivious can make such an utterly absurd statement. Anyone who is even marginally informed understands that "blacks are more criminal" is a self reinforcing idea: cops profile blacks for stops. It's been proven that the same racial bias makes a black person more likely to be arrested

Peaceful protest absolutely must be documented. Even if surrounded by less than peaceful protest.

Isn't convenience the whole reason cops are paid by the team's to provide security? A cop, even off duty, retains his rights and powers. So it's more convenient if your security guy can arrest a troublemaker rather than having to wait for a cop to arrive to do so. The team may also be able to offload any liability for

My problem with that transcript excerpt is that like many excerpts, it lacks context. What questions were asked before that one? What was the mood in the room? While his answer might possibly reveal that he is a shit person, I read that answer as flippant - cause he resents the question or the whole proceeding. I can

I don’t want to ignore any trauma in her past which may have made this more significant to her than to me, but I felt the same way as you -INITIALLY. Then I read the other examples of misogyny and harrasment at Apple. It may be that the other incidents described didn’t occur in this woman’s work group. It may also be

Alternate take: Running is great and helps me retain my sanity...

“’s about putting people in place who are able to interact with the public without violence...”

It’s more than that though. She was only in jail because the asshole cop found guilty of contempt of cop on the spot, and opted to use something else as an excuse to punish her for it. This bullshit has got to stop. There’s also this insane contradiction at play in every jail, prison, and holding facility in the

I do too, but what is actually fair? If I buy an album for $16.95 and play it every time I get in my car, the way I do my current spotify playlist, it works out to fractions of a penny per song played by the time I rotate songs out of the play list. It’s far, FAR lower for songs from artists like Tupac, whose music I

In this case I disagree. The fact that “only” 2 million dollars in fees were generated by all this activity despite how long it went on, suggests that the employees worked hard to prevent the customer incurring fees. This doesn’t excuse the fraud, or address the other less easily seen penalties the customers faced,

People break the law in order to support their families every single day.I’m uneasy saying these low level employees shouldn’t have further repercussions, but when jobs are scarce, and reporting this is practically impossible, AND doing so might result in charges for the reporter and a slap on the wrist for the

I was responding to another poster who suggested that the employees should have gotten together to report/put a stop to these practices that they were more or less forced into, prior to discovery by the regulators. THAT is unreasonable. Stronger whistleblower protections would allow any employee or group of employees

This expectation that normal, average people, who need to work to feed their families should be responsible for heading up the process of holding a major MEGACORP responsible for malfeasance, which they’ve been forced to participate in is one reason why these MEGACORPS keep getting away with only a slap on the wrist.

I think part of the disagreement with this law is the definition of “harassment” or what level of harassment should rise to a level requiring criminal charges. I’d argue that a catcall, while disrespectful and certainly harassing, doesn’t rise to the level of offense requiring charges. This law just seems far too

And *Guaranteed* contracts, amirite???!?!??!?!!

Yes, but the initial set if uniforms are provided by the military and they are given a (far too small) yearly uniform allowance. Source: previous Army enlistment...

This is what happens when we let gingers freely run around. THEY RUN AMUCK. /s

Girl, to make it last, I’LL DO WHAT EVER NEEDS TO BE DONE...