But they only have so many employees because the larger number this makes it easier to offload those capital costs to said employees. If they only employed the employees required based on workload, willing to bet they’d have fewer.
But they only have so many employees because the larger number this makes it easier to offload those capital costs to said employees. If they only employed the employees required based on workload, willing to bet they’d have fewer.
I believe it was this site which introduced me to one of my favorite artists, Audra Day. I’m liking Blood Orange too. Good lookin out Aimee!
DAMN... but I bet I’ve got you beat... A8 or A10 I forget which, in central Germany. Driving towards Frankfurt or Hanau (forget which) from Friedburg (the one in Hessen) at around 11 pm, my black 7 or so year old black Fiat Uno chose to die and apparently wanted to take me with it. On this stretch of autobahn there is…
According to the post, the question asked was “the obstacles that once made it harder for women than men to get ahead are now largely gone,” presumably ‘true or false’followed. I won’t argue that there is a perception issue around this, but this survey skews how big it is by the phrasing of the question. I know that…
Didn’t she fire the guy? I understand that it would be great if she totally walked the walk and talked the talk, but it seems to me that she was trying to avoid saying something that could provide ammunition to the guy for a wrongful termination suit. That doesn’t make her a bad person, since she did take swift action…
Somewhere in South Central L.A...an MC named Eight is laughing his ass off. JEAH, INDEED....
Given the fact that we all know Diaz smokes weed, and the fact that many people refer to tests for weed as intelligence tests, I’d guess odds are 50/50 whether or not he actually failed the 2nd test. The thing is that they should have to prove that he was smoking and that discredited lab doesn’t help them do that. As…
I can believe that it’s relaxing effects could be of benefit in some sports, assuming one can perfectly dial in their usage. I can’t imagine a sport where someone is actively attempting to violently remove you from your senses is one of those sports. Unless someone suffers from crippling anxiety, and the weed use…
Wow... it’s been decades, but still too soon for this joke....*
And allow an athlete to enjoy a recreational drug which has zero positive effect on performance for a combat sports athlete? NOPE. Zero chance of that...
“And for the love of god Nick, don’t talk shit to the drug testers and don’t talk about smoking weed!”
Booooo BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.*, **, ***
I wanted to be fair to Trump despite how much I loathe him. His saying “ But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day”, makes his intent crystal clear...
My point of view on this was colored by my desire to be fair, despite how much I loathe Trump. I gave him the benefit of the doubt he doesn’t deserve because his speeches are generally rambling, stream of consciousness bullshit.
He claimed Clinton wants to take all guns. This is obviously bullshit, but 2nd amendment people stopping her could include court challenges. Don’t misunderstand my position though. Trump isn’t above lying to benefit himself. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to believe that he’d call for violence either since he has, ya…
This isn’t a clear call of violence. Those words can be interpreted in a number of ways. BUT, if Trump legitimately doesn’t know that some crazy people with guns will interpret this as a call to violence then he is fucking crazy...
I agree that your interpretation of the law is the correct one. I still think closing the study space was bullshit though. They should have created a male only study space. I doubt it would see much use except for those men who happen to live nearby or happen upon this space before another. Your point about being…
But IS IT??? **THIS** is political correctness run amuck. Most of us learn fairly young that treating 2 groups exactly the same doesn’t necessarily mean that you are treating both groups fairly. Even as a dude who is a decade and a half removed from my twenties, I know that guys that age aren’t gonna leave a woman…
I know, right? These people aren’t good at their job. They’d generate a whole hell of a lot more than 7 million If they turn it into even a half approximation of Graceland. Even if the estate owes money, I’d leverage Prince’s insanely large music catalog for funds before selling PP. Does ITUNES have Prince’s music?…
Wow... We haven’t seen any pictures, Elliot claims her bruises were caused by an earlier bar fight-which seems easy to prove or disprove, multiple witnesses to the argument she says lead to her injuries have said HE DIDN’T HIT HER. It is entirely possible that he is full of shit and did in fact beat her multiple…