Ascendo Tuum

You’re limited to 3 foreign players on each club (used to be 2).

CTE candidate in 30-40 years?

I’ve driven all over the country. Some parts are not as nice, but you’re right, the fears regarding Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia was misplaced.

On a prior trip, Indiana was a different story

I had to travel to Cincinnati in August back when I was a first year associate, having to take depositions of people for a California death claim. I dreaded the trip, since I figured I’d get hate-crimed as I’m a Korean-American from California sweating in a suit. My white co-workers back home thought it was funny as

At the very basic level, it is a read-and-react offense, designed to space everyone out and take what the defense gives you. It’s not the most entertaining since it slows the game down into a half-court offense and is designed to grind down the defense.

In terms of positioning, the center is at the low post (around

This should have way more stars

Great hustle by the (white) Gonzaga player.

One word - water. We don’t have enough here without stealing a disproportionate share of the Colorado River water.

Haha, you’re right. I watched it without sound the first time since I was at work.

Wife? Could be a housekeeper who realized she fucked up.

My guess is he wasn’t wearing pants so he couldn’t move around without betraying that fact.

Reminds of when I did a conference call from home with a really big client (think Fortune 100) to discuss an important legal issue and my dog came barging, barking her ass off.

It turned out just great though - when we met face-to-face a month later, everyone participating in that conference call posted a big,

Wow, that’s Looney Tunes shit right there.

As an attorney, in depositions, if the deponent professes to be a Christian without prompting, then I know he’s a lying sack of shit. Sucks since I’m a Christian too, but I don’t volunteer that info every other second.

Honestly though, if Javale McGee is off limits, then does Shaq even have enough material for Shaqtin’ a Fool? 

Damn. You score 123 points in a high school basketball game, and you lose. WTF. Is no one teaching defense?

GOATkiller. FIFY

The second to last sentence of this hot take needs many, many more stars.

Most states workers’ compensation benefits are fairly similar - if you get hurt at work, you’re supposed to get medical treatment to treat or relieve the injury, temporary disability to cover what you would have earned while you recover, and permanent disability, which is a sum of money allegedly designed to

Man, those MLB poker games get intense.