Asbo Zappruder

This one hurts, folks. I cannot even begin to list his works that affected me without leaving a huge list, but I’ll just let the ever-eloquent Paula Vogel say what I’m thinking.

In Sims 3, with many mods and cheat codes, I had a polyamorous family of 13 gay male sims (including werewolves, a fairy, a ghost, and a merman) with 2 gay dogs and a gay unicorn living in a 5-store mansion with 3 basements (the bottom one being a secret laboratory with a time machine.

I made alien vampire farmers who built a mansion underground on the largest plot and turned the entire plot above ground into a farm/orchard. Then they built a secret dungeon on the bottom floor of their underground mansion to marinate their “food” in. Of course they could only farm by the light of the moon, so I kept

“I eventually reconfigured it so she was less of a slacker; she even tried to figure out how to get money from her mom for her college textbooks.”


I, too, had a DBZ fansite hosted by Angelfire and I loaded that thing down with as many animated GIFs as my dial-up internet would load. 

Mine were in angelfire T.B.S. (The Black side of Bukujutsu, the hell that means I don’t know) which was a lot of copy paste from around of all things Dragon Ball and then I don’t remember the whole details but T.B.S was getting a couple hits so a canadian host contacted me to offer free hosting so I made

Wonderful article about a wonderful album!

The big moment is actually pretty bittersweet. It’s them performing “New York City” in a record store in Manhattan on the night of 9/10.

I have played maybe too much SRW and while T is a lot of fun, I’ve found V to be a better game - it’s on the Switch too and I bought it on sale from for a reasonable price. Plus, it has NGE in it.

Still patiently waiting for a Macross game on Switch

Comedy is subjective, what one might think is a hilarious moment in Dark Souls 3 another finds it to be the game developers trolling the player by making the very first chest in the game that you find to be a Mimic.

As funny as West of Loathing may be, it is important to remember that the creator was credibly accused of spousal abuse and that knowledge, in all honest, sucks all the fun right out of it.

Because most game developers aren’t comedians.

Most games teach you their systems by making you repeat things over and over until you’ve mastered them.

Isn’t it obvious? Dying is easy, comedy is hard.

Stick of Truth was pretty hilarious, assuming you like South Park’s brand of humor.

What about Conker’s Bad Fur Day? I always saw that as one of the better ones. 

The Earthbound/Mother games are pretty great, humor-wise.