Asbo Zappruder

Is In The Heights one of my favorite modern musicals? Yes.

Why not just recommend Garland’s Star is Born?  It’s the far superior version of all 4.

If you want to see Judy Garland in a “Star is Born”-type role.... why not just watch the Judy Garland 1954 version of...

I completely agree with you assessment of Anthem, William: this looks like a half-rate Destiny, and I wasn’t even all that impressed with Destiny. What the hell were they thinking?

Whatever happened to Borderlands? This is their whole gimmick and they did it well, yet they’re absent a game in this time where multiplayer co-op shooters are more popular than ever. I don’t care about most of these games, Warframe excluded (it’s like PSO and Unreal Championship 2 had a baby), but I’d really love a

What I’ve liked so far this month:

This month I’m reading Go Ahead in the Rain by Hanif Abdurraqib, The City in the Middle of the Night by Charlie Jane Anders, and Black Leopard Red Wolf by Marlon James. This month is STACKED with shit I’ve been waiting to read for so long.

I just (finally) started the Wild Cards series and am on book one.

Black Leopard, Red Wolf by Marlon James.

I would just like to provide an additional vote for Ryan North as amazing and hilarious, and also a super cool dude. The fact that he has been making comics with an identical layout for 15 years and is STILL funny is some sort if miracle.

Probably doing event runs on Monster Hunter World.

Slay the Spire and Binding of Isaac fight for primacy in my house; I LOVE the roguelike, treasure-building framework for both games, but Slay the Spire has the advantage of being easier to play while eating. It’s also nice to play while watching a show since I can get lost in a scene without throwing my run. However,

I am going to continue to play Kingdom Hearts 3 whenever I get the chance this weekend, which in between early HTTYD screenings, the weekly D&D session, and a family party, will probably not be a lot of time. But still, the game is fun (really enjoying these new keyblade modes), the plot is ridiculous (there’s a lot

Only suckers don’t get paid to play- that’s when you know you’re good

As you say both Benedict and Rory Kinnear were brilliant in this, but also a shout out to Richard Goulding who captured Boris Johnson’s buffoonish bluster rather well.

I would watch this just to see Cumberbund without his Sherlock hair... not that I would pay for HBO though.

A buddy of mine FINALLY bought a PS4 and coaxed me into buying PS Plus, so lately my games have all been online. Here’s what I’ve got on deck *deep breath*

No love for Puzzle Quest? :(

I tried Strike Force a few months back, but bounced off it pretty hard. I then gave Future Fight a try, and have been logging in every day to do at least a little. I know some people have a real hate-on for the gacha games, but it’s scratching that Marvel Heroes itch that won’t clear up. I do have some issues with the

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl is seriously one of Marvel’s best comics.  from start to finish, it’s hilarious and uplifting.