Asbo Zappruder

I’ve had a discussion going with a friend for like the last 3 or 4 months about how Odyssey just GETS IT. It’s a game that has a progression tier and has some challenges for you if you really feel like it (FUCK the TRUE final level right in its ear), but is really just about running and jumping around and getting some

Of the final listing of intro episodes for each Doctor, my opinion is:

You’re entitled to your opinion, but I’d like to point out that Clara is actually my favorite companion. She has the most growth out of any companion in New Who, and a fantastic character arc that ultimately ends in tragedy and gives us the best episode of the entire show, “Heaven Sent.” There were a lot of criticisms

Special shoutout to the Eighth Doctor, the best Doctor we never got (enough of). Also, he kind of threads this whole era in unusual fashion on top of being a bridge of sorts for the old.

First of all, “The girl in the Fireplace” is definitely a must watch episode of any season.

Here’s another way to look at it. Time Lords aren’t human, they just look it.

“Originally invented as a way to continue the show after the retirement of its elderly lead” 

Capaldi had more Christmas specials than justLast Christmas”— he had four Christmas specials of his own. He was also in “The Return of Doctor Mysterio,” The Husbands of River Song” and his finale, “Twice Upon a Time.”

I am a massive, ridiculous scholar of the classic series. I thought RTD’s revival was really great, blending Buffy-sass with an unapologetic schmaltz on top of all the technobabble. I thought, like a good many people, that Steven Moffatt’s writing during this era was some of the best (though, admittedly, the sheen has

Good to see this earning positive reviews. The story sounded intriguing and I’ve heard praise for the source book. 

In & Out is at least the 7th highest grossing lgbtx movie because Box Office Mojo forgot to include Top Gun on the list.

This movie was confusing as hell to me as a gay 12 year old boy. He didn’t seem like he was even aware he might be gay or attracted to men, but the fact he tucked in his shirts and couldn’t resist dancing to “I Will Survive” sealed the deal in his mind. Being a slob whose idea of a great record at the time was Korn’s

which included rainbow paraphilia

“Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn’t dance! He can barely walk!”

I don’t think I’ve seen this movie since it came out in the 90s, so I’m sure it’s pretty dated. But I do think the film had an important impact on popular culture and gay acceptance.

I was gonna say the same thing, Disgraceland is the shit and Jake is a cool dude. Everyone should check it out for sure.

More importantly when’s that HBO adaptation of a Brief History Of Seven Killings coming out?

Thank you. I came here to say exactly that. I don’t always care for the musicians Jake covers, but he weaves a great story so I stay to listen and sometimes learn a thing or two.

Just want to chime in and say i finally read A Brief History of 7 Killings this summer and it is the greatest book ive read. If u want to get into the attempted assassination of Bob Marley... among many other facets of Jamaica for the past 40 or so years

How can anybody forget the “It’s time to pay the price montage of every single one of their movies? I really liked their rap too.