Asbo Zappruder

Good Place and Twin Peaks vying for the Hardest Snubbed crown, but I’d give it to Twin Peaks on account of at least Good Place can try again next year.

No Best Comedy nomination for The Good Place?  That’s bullshirt.

It’s time for The Americans and its leads to sweep all the categories they're nominated in. Such an excellent show.

Capitalism, ho! 

Well it’s about goddamn time! Univision is fucking horrible. As soon as they bought this site, the quality took a nosedive overnight. Hopefully somebody will buy this site that actually understands what made people enjoy it so much in the first place.

This explains why there are so many typos in AV Club articles lately. As a former copy editor, I can say from experience that we are usually the first to be let go when there are budget cuts or change in management.

I hope whomever was responsible for this format was among those let go/bought out. It’s been argued about ad nauseum but this format drives people away.

I have a nickel.

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Here to forever support you guys. I’ve read The Onion/AV Club for probably 15 years, and have been a Deadspin commenter/shithead for probably 7.

I’ll buy Great Job Internet! for one-half of a bitcoin.

I can relate. I saw it in theaters knowing nothing about it, and arrived about ten minutes late, so I missed that whole opening sequence. Kinda glad I did.

I’ve had several awesome going-in-cold movie moments in my life.

Both The Matrix and, to a lesser extent, Breath of the Wild would qualify for me.

I recently saw Sunday in the Park with George without even the slightest idea of what the second act was about, so that was quite the experience.

I had the pleasure of seeing The Sixth Sense for the first time with no foreknowledge of any kind, even without the now common expectation of the “Shyamalan twist”. It left me gobsmacked. One of the unfair byproducts of his decline into mediocre hackiness has been, IMO, the tarnishing of this film’s reputation. Part

That scene in The Sopranos when there's a rainstorm and they eat at Artie's restaurant by candlelight... Same vibe...

No film in my experience benefits more from total blindness than Miracle Mile. I was in high school when a friend of mine spotted an ad for a new movie at a local art-house theater, with music by Tangerine Dream and the pull-quote “Prepared to be blown through the back of the theater.” That’s literally all we knew

For realz, have this experience every time I turn on TMC. That channel is worth paying for cable.

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One day I happened to see the 1955 movie Kiss Me Deadly on teevee. I had no idea what was coming on. It started out weird and kept getting weirder.

Re: Pavement story... Yes! Wanna say circa 2010, February, Pittsburgh... Read glowing newspaper blurb on indie band Low vs. Diamond, playing that night at Club Cafe, already an intimate venue. Decided to check them out, $12 ticket price or something. Epic snowstorm that day, 3 feet or more between noon and 5pm. My