Asbo Zappruder

He made fun of poor Michaels nose so much he had a lifelong complex.

It suggests that he made some level of amends to her.

By all accounts, he pushed his children extremely hard

1) Here is someone NO ONE will miss

Claptons 461 Ocean Boulevard was a classic and Slowhand was one last grasp at greatness. After that, its been 40 years of meh.

Snoop Doggy Dog, and I use that name instead of Snoop Dogg because nothing has ever come close to that first record.

No one gets a permanent benefit of the doubt.

I feel this topic in my soul; I am a Tori Amos fan.

That's absurd. As one who found Aaron Sorkin to be an occasional a-hole, his filmography is enviably excellent. I mean, A Few Good Men is an excellent film w infinite rewatchability. Moneyball is one of the greatest films ever made about the business of baseball. Charlie Wilson's War is a fantastically underrated

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I’ll never forget hearing “Lipstick Vogue” for the first time. One of those lightbulb-over-the-head moments. Same with “I Want You”. Fuck, what a song!


Katie, Katie, Katie. Yeah, Elvis “kept making albums.” He made arguably his two greatest albums after you tuned out for whatever insane reason. “Armed Forces,” “Get Happy,” “Trust,” Jesus Christ, “Imperial Bedroom?” He just did a sold out tour for over a year based on fans’ love of that album, ALONE. but you’re

Prince, for sure (considered typing “4 sure”). His Love Symbol album was another career highlight, and his last three albums showed him inspired and having fun again. Now we have decades ahead of the estate releasing tracks and debating whether Prince was right to hide them in the first place.

NIN - Everything released after the Fragile has been completely forgettable. Still love him, still go to the live shows but he peaked in 99. Or maybe I aged out. 

Uhm, whut? Comedy & violence are like peanut butter & chocolate. Three Stooges. Spike Jonze (OG & NG). Cornetto Trilogy. Return of the Living Dead. Etc, etc, etc. Perhaps you don’t have the constitution to handle this sort of comedy, but you’re sadly missing out on the best sort of comedy: Commedia Dell'Anarchy.

I love the Blue Album and Pinkerton, but I also like the Green Album. Hell, I borderline love it. But it seems like I’m the only one who considers their fall from greatness to be AFTER the Green Album? Was the response to the Green Album that bad? I seemed to recall a general feeling at the time that “they might be

Stone Roses / Ian Brown. I still revisit The Second Coming occasionally (shut up!) and Brown made some fun, post-greatness vanity albums in the early part of the century.

IIndeed! That dude isn’t NEARLY as good as his reputation suggests. He penned MANY a glorious action film, but after the success of his memorable directorial debut, Kiss Kiss! Bang Bang!, he’s become too self-consciously ‘Shane Black’. Iron Man 3 is a dumpster fire of tired Christmas motifs, magical kids w magical

Woody Allen used to be the answer (love Vicky Cristina Barcelona), but it got tougher and tougher to do, and now it’s not true anymore. I’ll go with two writers: