Asbo Zappruder

I will second your love for The Juliet Letters. I’ll Add Mighty Like a Rose to my own personal favorite list.

Paul Westerberg, Kanye, and, if he hadn’t died, Joe Strummer (whose Mescaleros albums are severely underrated)

We’re too snobby for monocles and top hats. It’s cravats, waistcoats, Hessian boots (only during the day!) and pantaloons or it’s not worth our time.

For video games, I think a good choice is Tim Schaffer and, more broadly, Double Fine Studios. They haven’t made anything really worthwhile since Psychonauts in 2005, 13 years ago (your mileage may vary on 2009's Brutal Legend, but man, that game annoyed me). The only major project they’ve put out since Brutal Legend

Yeah, Elvis has made so many classics throughout his career. King, Trust, Spike, Blood and Chocolate, Imperial Bedroom, The Juliet Letters, hell, even Taking Liberties flows like a full album instead of a collection of odds and ends. Although I admit he kind of lost me around the time of Brutal Youth. I dip back in

Prince, easily. His unbelievable 80s run from Controversy through to Sign O The Times earned a lifetime of goodwill from me, and I kept on checking out everything he created up until his death. None of it would ever reach those heights again, but there was always something to reward continued faith.

Wong Kar Wai. I wish it wasn’t true, but he’s past his prime. Still gonna watch everything he puts out though.

Titus Andronicus was my immediate thought as well. I feel bad for Patrick because he’s quite aware of this, but admire that he keeps on going with what he wants.
and Would not have expected that answer...

Really? I can’t with Jay-Z anymore, he’s just seemed so uninspired for so long. I’m sure there’s a couple decent songs scattered throughout his last 5 albums or whatever, but anytime I’ve tried to listen to one I wanted to turn it off pretty quick.

Not only that but Pi is 3.141.

I was all about Toad until I learned the power slide. Yoshi with the power-slide is what’s up.

I’m in for this: Peach all the way.

I know we’re not supposed to reply to the spam bots, but does flagging a comment actually do anything? Every article for the last month has a bunch of these comments. And it’s not like they’re from a ton of different accounts, it’ll be the same dozen or so accounts posting hundreds of times a day. This user has posted

Bust out the 64, I’ll play Toad and you play Yoshi and I will win every race with broken-ass Toad.

Yeah, that’s cool and everything, except Yoshi is obviously the best under all circumstances.

So I’m clearly behind the curve, but I finally purchased Beyond Good and Evil and am adoring it. The cast is diverse and endearing, the puzzles are Zelda-lite-ish, and the story is engaging and feels timely even after all these years. Perhaps what I like most though is how generous the checkpoint system is. As a law

I am PERPETUALLY behind the hype cycle of games, primarily because it’s easier on my wallet (I’m already saving up for the fall after seeing some of the E3 trailers). But The Sexy Brutale was on sale for the Switch so I DLed it since it got some good press.

No shit, I gotta admit this: as an “impressionable” 14 year old watching “Reality Bites” and thinking that Winona and Ethan Hawke were soooo cool with their constant chain smoking, that is a contributing factor to why I started. It’s so ridiculous, but true. As a non-smoking adult all I can think about is how