Asbo Zappruder

Jon Benjamin’s voice is what really sold the show for me. That guy would be hilarious reading the phone book.

One of the best scenes that I remember to this day was when Coach McGuirk complains of his insomnia and Melissa essentially asks him if he’s tried going to sleep. Coach McGuirk’s freakout (i.e., “Melissa, you’re some kind of genius! You’ve discovered the cure for insomnia: just go to sleep! That’s brilliant!) is



I created a Kinja account just to agree with this publicly.

That time when “more interested in the characters than the political message” used to be a compliment.

Here’s a depressing read on the subject:

I don’t recall him ever living up to his own hype. Unless getting into the garbage and picking fights with the family dog counts as “terrorizing the neighborhood”.

I was convinced that old lady was Nancy Reagan.

As a child of the ‘80s I grew up watching all kinds of strange movies, but this is one where I have no idea if I saw it in the theatre or on HBO. Probably both, kinda like Wargames. I see this as a trilogy of sorts, as Cloak & Dagger are precursors to both Wargames and Fight Club. 

Wow, a blast from the past. I think I remember seeing this first in theaters, but I could swear I saw it more than once as a kid so I guess it must have been on VHS when I re-watched it.

Now playing

Close, it was the Atari 5200. The plot was that if you got a high enough score, it would show classified info.

French stone-ground mustard for the win!

I love the original UK version of Taskmaster. I hope the American version is at least watchable, but they’re airing S6 of the original at the same time anyway.

Still waiting for 2018's first interviewee to answer the ghosts question with “What? Hell no.”

Even more fascinating/disturbing is the woman on the far right who looks like she’s wearing a VR headset with a plastic bag over her right hand and her left hand clutching said bag-hand. WTF IS GOING ON THERE??

Damn. Grave of the Fireflies, Pom Poko, and Only Yesterday are my fave Studio Ghibli films of all time. I often bump into people who have the impression that every Ghibli production is by Miyazaki. Of course, Miyazaki is great, but Takahata surpasses him (in my opinion) in his breathtaking range of subject matter,

Graves is widely misunderstood by American audiences, who see it as a war movie, and it’s always sad to see how thoroughly it overshadows Takahata’s other, and in my view better, works. Only Yesterday, Yamadas, Kaguya, and (my personal favorite) Pom Poko are no less fiercely conceived interrogations of the human

Some of those tattoos ARE makeup.

Ben Daniels was superb.