Asbo Zappruder

Currently Reading: The Baron in the Trees (Italo Calvino), The Sense of Style (Steven Pinker), and Symphony for the City of the Dead (M.T. Anderson).

I’m reading (almost finished) Adam Tooze’s The Wages of Destruction and have recently started Ellen Ullman’s By Blood. After those I plan to start Infinite Jest for the first time.

Have almost finished Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. It’s been interesting to read the “interview” sections during the rise of #MeToo. In 1999 (when originally published), I may have perceived the voices as more of an exaggeration.

Reading The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin, Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O’Connor, and Kintu by Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi.

Mark Brown is excellent; I devoured his series on dungeon design in the Legend of Zelda series.

‘thrust into power after his brother is killed in battle.’

My prediction is that this is going to be terrible. With this character there are three potentially great directions they could go: they could do a straight-up filming of Shakespeare, they could do a cinematic reimagining of Shakespeare, or they could dump Shakespeare entirely and do a more historically accurate

I bet the Bird sig is Tiaka

I love that practically the only one really smiling big is Paul Rudd.

Does Hayley Atwell count? Also, apparently Clark Gregg was invited but couldn’t make it due to filming AoS.

Damn this one hurts. Frasier is one of my favorite TV shows of all time and I bet a ton of my favorite episodes are simply because of how endearing and real Martin was. RIP John Mahoney and thank you for the laughs. 

After some deliberation on Tuesday night, they crowned Colbert a Dope Queen, so anything is possible!

This is a respectful remake and I’m glad that PS gamers can play it as it seems like a beautiful game.
I am all for remaking, remastering classic games, as it is kind of hard to play them if the graphics are too old, or if the UI and controls are too old-fashioned.

Another good example of a remaster is something as

This is why I was grateful when Yahoo released Community season 6 on a weekly basis. I’ve only watched that season through the once, on initial broadcast (I think I watched the first couple of episodes twice during the initial run?), and that was nearly three years ago, but I could list the plots of at least 9 or 10

The fact that people working a shitty job get to amuse themselves by acting like dipshits is the least problematic part of corporate Twitter. I’m more troubled by the fact that, increasingly over the last few years, the only way to sufficiently resolve a problem with a corporation is to address them in public on

haha. That’s awesome. I love Wendy’s on Twitter, and this just makes my day

It wasn’t sincere. It was “national compliment day” or something, and Wendy’s responded nicely to everyone who tweeted at them. Cute gimmick.

I just happened to watch her first epidsode of 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown last night, and she was quite funny. I’m looking forward to this.

Phil Wang is also a UK comedian. Funny guy. Nice to see him get some love in the states.