Asbo Zappruder

this is a good idea. also bring back the characters!

Why not both *shrugs hands*?

Better than throwing shit at the wall.

If I’m not mistaken, she’s also been a pretty amusing guest on How Did This Get Made a few times, particularly in the Lake House episode.

It’s great that Ian Karmel went from answering phones for Netflix in a call center to having a comedy special. His podcast, All Fantasy Everything, makes my week better, week in and week out.

I’m a better person because Ursula Le Guin wrote stories. Everything she put to paper was beautiful, and true, and perfect.

I bring that story up in conversation far more than I would like. It’s a really good metaphor for our current days.

Thanks for the stories, and I wish I’d gotten to meet you.

the Language of the Night is so good! always good to see someone else enjoyed it.

Just remembering how great “Dispossessed” is.

aww damn :(


She’s one of my favourite fiction writers ever. I was forced to read THE LEFT HAND OF DARKNESS in undergrad, and it blew my mind.

Oh, my god. This is fucking devastating. She is by far my favorite author. I feel like fucking crying at work right now.

This is heartbreaking, I can’t verbalise how important A tale of Earthsea was for me growing up.

Re-reading Chuck Klosterman’s “I Wear the Black Hat” basically because I told my kid to pick a book for me to read from the shelf (I have a lot of un-reads and I couldn’t decide). At first, I honestly did not remember that I had owned this, let alone had ever read it. I’m partway through, and I think I get it now,

I am getting around to finally reading “John Dies at the End” - great read! After that I want to read “Ready Player One” since everyone I know tells me I’d love it. After that I usually read something non-fiction but I have no idea what it is - I usually steer clear of political books since, IMHO, they tend to be out

As a couple of recommendations - Netflix has an excellent series on Auschwitz from the BBC. Also, if you’ve not read it, Primo Levi’s “Is This a Man/The Truce” is one of the most evocative and oddly uplifting accounts I’ve ever read - both of the life of the camp itself, and an extraordinary journey home afterwards.

Just burned through the Wayfarers books by Becky Chambers - I haven’t read anything that fast in a long time. Both books were absolute delights. Now I’m about to start Iron Gold by Pierce Brown. The Red Rising Trilogy is some of my favourite sci-fi, and easily the best dystopian novels I’ve read - in fact, calling

You nailed it. This is about people whose career notably changed in a profound way after woking on the show. Adam Bernstein was already great, and his stints here didn’t change much for him.