Asbo Zappruder

My wife loved this show and had desperately tried to get me to watch with her. But from the way she described it (“It’s about a dad with terminal cancer who tries to raise money for his family by selling drugs”), it just sounded too depressing to me. So I kept refusing.

So while everyone is playing all their fancy Switch games (someone buy me one please), I’ve been attacking my backlog while keeping up with my regulars.

“Wine, Women, and Song” by Harvey Danger (the Flagpole Sitta guys). They actually have two great full albums.

While Golden Earring are mostly known for Radar Love in the US, I love their song Candy’s Going Bad (though their next few albums after that were pretty great too). They’re not exactly one hit wonders in some parts of the world though (they’re actually the longest continuously running band around, forming in 1961, a

Now playing

I got into Divinyls when this vid was on MTV years before I touch myself

You need to be followed by a blog to get out of the greys. Which is up to an author on the blog to decide. And each blog, and I think subblog, has its own list.

I’m still having a rough time with Orphan of Kos in Bloodborne- every fifth attempt or so I can get him into phase two but by then frustration sets in and I just suck. Never mind Laurence, who kills me in one hit no matter how much fire resistance I stack up. I’m wondering I I just want to try and finish the base game

excited. i wonder what the co op will be like on it though?

What’s in your soup?

Would you rather sweat cheese or vomit marbles?

What in God’s holy name are you blathering about?

What is the best worst thing that has happened to you?

What music have you been listening to lately?

If you could give yourself a nickname, what would it be? (Note: “T-Bone” should be the default answer.)

Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?

I’ve been waiting for this Spider-Man game since Arkham City.

Good luck! I’m making a game for a friend of mine in RPG Maker VX Ace. Got any tips or resources? It’s just a birthday present so it’s not for mass release and won’t by any stretch be a perfect game, but I want it to be more game and less walking simulator.

It’s one of my most-anticipated titles!

(Is Mike Pence unbannable? What about Paul Ryan?)