Asbo Zappruder

Sort of surprised Hocus Pocus did not end up on the list. My wife just watched it for the first time yesterday. Still entertaining as I remember it was as a child.

There being no such thing as coincidences is a theme of the book - perhaps it’s a sign.

He had double the normal amount of blood in his body.

Say what you will about Skyfall as a whole, but IMO that backlit fight scene was instantly one of the best moments to come out of any Bond film:

Kind of a sidestep, but this idea is also utilized in the Kyle Starks graphic novel Kill Them All, with a more humor-filled take of a grizzled cop and a betrayed ninja lady fighting their way up an evil boss tower. It’s wonderful.

Thanks for these suggestions!!


Its time you guys check out Brawl in Cell Block 99

“Another of the year’s best English-language action movies turned out to be a probably unintentional remake of The Raid. Dredd ”

The screenshot looks very similar to a scene in Elite Squad 2.

“Action movies around the world have gotten a whole lot nastier and more visceral”

Is there fighting in this?

This movie is THE BEST ACTION MOVIE EVER MADE! Bar none! If you love the action movie genre (and who doesn’t?!) you have to do yourself a favor and SEE THIS MOVIE!

The Raid is great. I am probably in the minority but I prefer Raid 2. The camera work and set design in 2 are fantastic.

I agree with your praise of the Raid, but I really think the sequel is even better.

Raid was amazing, Raid 2 was nice, but didnt have the same charm

Dredd’s script wa’s finished way Before The Raid and even Principle photography was done before The Raid I believe. Definitely not a remake

I find The Raid 2's fight scenes are generally a lot better than the Raid’s, which is mostly just guns for the first third or so of the film.

my friends make fun of me for liking it, but The Raid is fantastic and still my one of my go-tos. the soundtrack is great too.