Asbo Zappruder

Oh, Kevin Bridges

Why not? You could build one of these to tauntaunt them.

the night of? never heard of it

I’ll be waiting to see if Von Trier releases a ‘Well, it wasn’t really a shirt. It was actually more of a sandwich, and, admittedly, it looked pretty good. The ‘shirt’ line was just a cheap shot to ruin her credibility as an actress, because she so successfully resisted my ‘charms’.’ statement.


Patton go on Cum Town

He’s also been getting onstage to try out this material, but this was the first time I’d seen him perform a full routine, rather than dip into bits from a couch.

Sorry but there really are such @$$holes out there and in here that people say stuff like tthat in sincerity. A /s is a low energy problem solver.


First: good article. Well-written and insightful, especially for a child’s cartoon.

I still prefer the old series.

I remember the original show vividly and have wathced reruns.

Don’t you dare bring Paddington into this, Weinstein, or you’ll soon find yourself on the receiving end of a hard stare

British viewers rest easy, Paddington 2 is distributed here by Studio Canal.

Hello, all! I’ve been absent for a couple of months for various reasons, but I hope to get back to commenting regularly here.

Last week, I finally got around to purchasing a Nintendo Switch! It’s quite an elegant little device, and I love the flexibility it offers. To kick things off, I picked up The Legend of Zelda:

Now playing

For some reason my first post got stuck in pending and then deleted itself?
Let’s try this again.

LOL, really? If only every other actor had the opportunity to be shit for decades and still find work as consistently as he has? It’s almost like the industry supports his ilk... /s


Haven’t seen the movie in question, but I don’t get the love for his acting in other movies. It’s basically just a more lowkey version of the same character (Adam Sander) that he always plays, but with a bit more crying I guess. It doesn’t help that a lot of these movies are mediocre as fuck, so it’s not like he’s