Asbo Zappruder

Hamill’s a GENIUS in this scene!

Now playing

His eulogy for Batman was a perfect demonstration of that range and nuance.

“Oh, gosh, that’s a little too high-profile for my liking. Not only has it been done with Cesar Romero, but it’s been done by Jack Nicholson. What can I bring to the table that hasn’t been done before?

Now playing

Bryan Ferry should have his own chapter, at least insofar his solo career’s signature song is a cover (courtesy of Wilbert Harrison)

Maybe, maybe not. But we do know one thing:

So...what we’re saying next year or 2019 Weinstein will be back at it and either nominated for and/or winning Oscars? (See: Affleck, Casey; and Gibson, Mel)

I hope this guy gets all the bad things coming to him, but Hollywood doesn’t have a great track record for really admonishing their own

Fun English fact : The use of bi- or semi- with units of time can either mean half, or double and there is no hard and fast rule about which is which. English speakers are expected to parse the difference out through context. An example: Some people are paid biweekly (2 weeks) but teachers are sometimes paid

Including the Stan Lee cameo

Andy Signore? More like Andy Statutory, amirite.

Ugh his DM’s are so gross. The faux-awkward, hands-in-pockets-with-shoulders-shrugged “I’m just a big’ol nerd gee golly misses you sure are pretty” vibes makes me want to kick him in the teeth.


People completely unprepared for fame and money basically. They become all about “interacting with the community” and they end up going on power trips and thinking they can do what they want. Same thing happens in Hollywood I guess, but they have agents to help smooth things over and cover stuff up.

These days, yeah. Once upon a time we paid interns, because we knew that they needed a living wage while they gained experience. Then the kids with rich parents started saying they’d intern for nothing cause mom and dad would pay their living expenses and the era of the unpaid intern began and social mobility took

Goddamn it, can’t one of you white boys keep it in your pants?

My recurrent check-ins with DC/Marvel canon feel about the same as listening to a home-schooled kid explain their Jesus-meets-Star-Trek fan fic.

Rebirth also had the same all-male mostly white creative team and it was also meant to appeal to the same 70's era fans. And Rebirth actually turned a character who’d been recently reimagined as black back into a white guy.

The comics that hooked me as a kid had significant contributions from women creators (Ann Nocenti, Louise Simonson, Glynis Oliver etc) and male creators like Chris Claremont who cultivated teams and stories that were at times quite female dominated, and not nearly as exploitative as the era that followed.

Just saying you must have done something right in your musical career if you get paid tribute by everyone from Miley Cyrus, Imagine Dragons, to Steve Earl

I can’t believe he’s gone. Cliche but true. Another cliche: Being middle aged and beginning to grasp that not only will your heroes die, but so will you.

If I remember it right, the crying baby sound effect is probably those fire enemies that chase you down, I think?

Please get me out of the grey.