Asbo Zappruder

Yes, but did anyone talk to Gretchen Mol? That’s who I want to hear from about this. Is she ready to talk? It’s not like there’s a career to jeapordize.

Malia Obama interned for him this summer.

Oh ya, that Brett Ratner guy.

I bet he considers himself a feminist too.

What other Hollywood moguls are out there that are sex offenders that everyone knows about but nobody says anything?

I would argue that so is Donald Trump. The man has cultivated an image of himself through reality television and relentless self-promotion that he has come to believe - he’s wealthier than anyone, is more successful that anyone and is smarter and sharper than anyone. He’s managed to leverage that into holding the most

The hypocrecy of Hollywood never fails to disgust me.

What a dick.

What will Gwyneth say or do?

Between that and the people like me who subscribe to Netflix to watch each new season of their favorite show and then immediately unsubscribe, I’d imagine you’re getting up to 80% of users.

Wow, a rich dude with a lot of clout in his industry uses said clout as a way to creep on women. SURELY AN ISOLATED EXAMPLE.

know someone who worked for him, this is 100% true

I read the nytimes article, the cesspool of internet comments seems to revolve around the fact that he’s a democrat donor. If you want to having a pissing match over whether democrats or republicans treat women worse on a individual level, you’re going to come up even. Misogyny is as sacred to the American way of life

Miramaximum damages.

Does this remind anybody else of Black Mirror - The Waldo Moment?

Yeah, this whole clip is a genuine delight. Cheers to all three of them for being so game.

It was the land they used, it was zoned to not allow condos. So instead they were treated like hotel rooms.

This story really has been making its rounds lately. I cannot tell if it’s distracting from Jared Kushner’s horrible email practices.

This person looks like a woman, wearing a fake beard, trying to look like a man.

I’m not defending these vacuous fuckwads, but I’m amazed that anyone who has the kind of money these condos demand wouldn’t research first to see that, “Hey wait a minute, only 16% of these units are sold not 60%. Maybe the old adage about blondes and math has some merit.”