Asbo Zappruder

I’ve never actually owned a Tom Petty album. I never needed to.

That’s actually really beautiful. What more legacy could you possibly ask for? The man stops, but the music keeps going. And it’s everywhere, inside everyone. Aw, man. Now I’m about to cry.

I can’t think of a single artist whose music got me through the hell of high school more than Tom Petty. This sucks.

i have to watch this video once a week or i start to feel an imbalance. too many people in it are gone. damn.

fuuuuuuuck this.

Listening to “Into the Great Wide Open” right now.

I’m not a huge music aficionado, but I’ve never connected to a musician the way I did with Tom Petty. I saved my allowance when I was 10 years old to buy Full Moon Fever on cassette. It was the only cassette I owned for a long time, and I didn’t care. I listened to that album on loop God only knows how many times.


One of the best.

I missed his tour this Summer, thinking I will catch him in another city.

Every damn day now is just alternating grief and grievances.

Man, this one hurts worse than I would have expected.

So many of my memories growing up happened with his music in the background.

Well ain’t that a big fat turd atop an atrocious news day.

Fuck this day.

I also like that I have to click three different things to read “pending” comments that maybe don’t toe whatever line kinja is selling. It’s the internet—nobody here isn’t completely desensitized to everything.

holy shit dude i’ve been seeing your comments on this site for like 4 years now, I even saw your comment on facebook once. It’s amazing how dedicated you are to this and how you pretty much watch every show that has ever existed.

I love it because technically I think she was far enough away for him to not feel obliged to open the door for her, but because he spent so long being internally debating the situation albeit quite visually and conspicuously (i.e. being Larry) then everything turned back on him. I love how Larry’s always inches or

Danette Chavez, I loved your use of the very Curbesque term “hemming and hawing.” I could so imagine Larry being accused of such and defending himself with, “There was no hemming, there was no hawing!” That part of your review made me chuckle, so thanks for that :)

Though a ‘Curb’fan, I was mostly bored and unamused by this episode. Maybe it has been too many years and I need to get back into its groove.