Asbo Zappruder

Wow, you are in for a treat.

Loved Kyra Sedgwick so much from The Closer, that I’m feeling tempted by this despite being turned off by the commercials for it. If her character here is half as interesting as she made Brenda Leigh Johnson then I’m in.

He never was to begin with, Ridley went off the rails.

You could try last year’s The Family, predicated on the return of a teenage son who’d been kidnapped as a child.

Man I left work at 9:50 to grab one at BestBuy and was the 3rd to last person to claim a ticket for purchase at 10:05. I’ve been at work since but am beyond excited. I think I’ll ditch work early...

I just want the HD upgrade. I have an upconverter but it still looks better natively.

Same. I only had Genesis as a kid, and other than maybe a couple times at some friends’ houses, never really played any of these games.

This always bothers me with the Trump family. People keep attacking them over absolute nonsense, which is ridiculous because the Trumps have so very many things that really do deserve attacking there’s no reason to go for weak stuff like this.

The controversy over Dr. Seuss is a bunch of hooey, as a number of other commenters have pointed out. The librarian’s response was far more nuanced.

It’s not just the war stuff though. My daughter was given a copy of “If I Ran the Zoo,” one of the above-mentioned books, and there are some pretty racist depictions of Asians in it. And for the record, whhen I got the book, I hadn’t heard of his previous propaganda drawings, and still was very unfomfortable reading

And they dropped Nathan For You coverage on top of everything. The A.V. Club is fucking garbage nowadays. Full stop. It is no longer what it used to be.

I started following Mark Hamill a couple months ago, 10/10 would recommend to a friend.

Cambridge gonna Cambridge.

Ron Perlman is the best. When racist Sons of Anarchy fans come at him, he’s fucking brutal.

Well dang! I’ll run out and grab one.

Oh, it could also be “overpriced” and “impossible to find anywhere.”

Or you could read the librarian’s actual response suggesting that donating books to a library in an already wealthy, predominately white neighborhood is dumb, giving suggestions as to better places to choose, but nah the White House’s narrative makes for better clickbait, good job AV Club!

It’s worth any sort of watch, if only for Claudia Winkleman (get over the name and you’ll fall in love - she’s a damn delight)

I have always enjoyed Garth Ennis’ writing. Even in his weakest stories there is some intelligence in it.

Even though it would inevitably not make use of her full acting potential, I’d love to see her return to Trailer Park Boys one day.