Asbo Zappruder

If they brought Patrick Dempsey back as a brain tumor ghost to talk to Amelia ala Denny’s ghost I would TOTALLY watch that.

The actress playing Amelia was on maternity leave for most of last season (as was Jo), it just feels like they wrote in ‘brain tumor’ because they couldn’t think of another way to salvage the

Huh. you may be on to something there. It worked for Doctor Octopus.

I’m just glad that Jordan got his own show. . .so that he’ll stop stinking up the Daily Show with his poor-man’s Steven Colbert.

In that case it shouldn’t be too difficult to repeal and replace it. Especially now that Republicans hold all the power. It’s what they have been promising for 8 years now. I’m sure they’ll have no trouble. And Trump said he’d do it on day one of his presidency! Weird that it hasn’t happened.

Imagine you are the most out of touch old white Republican dude, ever. Your boss comes to you and says “These gang-banger thugs are becoming a problem. Their hateful anti-cop rhetoric is dangerous, and these know-nothing libtards are eating it up. How can we message to them, and get them to stop agitating?” What do

Guys, he made up for it when he and G-Unit went to the Middle East to kill terrorists in that PS2 videogame.

Wouldn’t be surprised if the baby is actually just a hysterical pregnancy caused by grief from wes’s death.

I still don’t understand why they didn’t use wires for Medusa’s hair instead of doing it all in CG.

What a cute bubble you live in.

Misread that as “broadway debut” and got really confused.

The 11-12 block on Comedy Central is embarrassing now. It’s pretty much the same unoriginal and tired trump jokes over and over and over.


fake account!!!

I think it was a good start for the season, Connor’s haircut really threw me off. I barely recognized him at first.

How can you not mention Jimmy Smits joining the cast? He’s a big reason I was looking forward to this season, and that one scene with Davis did not disappoint.

Ben was great as Jo’s substitute person. I loved the callbacks and references- the one to Meredith’s George mistake from a decade ago plus Cristina’s face popping up with her article.

The Inhumans are so fetch.

Ah... but will it be bad enough to deserve hatewatching?

Guys. Are you serious right now. That’s CLEARLY an episode of Ebro In The Morning, not the fucking Breakfast Club. Maybe actually watch the clip next time?