Asbo Zappruder

It’s almost as if he’s....acting like a Christian. You know, what racist trump supporters claim to be.

Maybe try listening to what he has to say, asshole. Kimmel is acting much more Christian than any fucking racist trump supporter. Get bent, Cletus.

I like it: “you come to believe the lies you depend on.” In another conversation, I called this “good politics turned into bad policy”. In this case, it’s good politics in the sense that it gets people into office, but nobody could actually govern on the platform that the GOP espouses.

I’ve already sent emails to Senators Klobuchar and Franken telling them they did a great job of holding the line. God, I love having two kick-ass liberals in office.

I think it started as the latter and became the former. One of the great truths of psychology is that you come to believe the lies you depend on, and Republicans have spent decades (ever since Limbaugh, really) creating this perfect propaganda machine that feeds their lies back to them. So even if it started as a

I think they should do an HD remake with photorealistic kryptonite fog.

That is my problem with Kate and Kevin’s relationship; they completely push everyone else to the fringe, even their own brother who ALSO shares their birthday. It takes codependency to an entirely new and disgusting level. Kate and Kevin are very grown and both are in relationships, there really does come a time when

Jack Donaghy? Ron Swanson?

My theory beyond just typical GOP tax cut fervor is that they are targeting things like the Estate tax and the Alternative Minimum tax (My congressperson called these two out in his email about tax reform, referring it to letting me keep more of my “hard earned paycheck” for some insane reason) because we have just

Until captain cheeto is out of the white house, yes

Supernatural is perm job. Every year it gets renewed for 6 more years

Anyone else think it would be hilarious if the show suddenly went full Flash Gordon, every episode ending with Jack’s apparent death only to show him pulling some miraculous escape, possibly through blatantly changing the circumstances we saw last week? The thing’s already ridiculous, it wouldn’t be that much of a

Josh Charles too?

My heart belongs to SVU. I’ll watch the original on occasion - if its on and I’m feeling lazy. The rest of the L&O franchise has been pretty unwatchable to me. That said, I love Sam Jaeger, so I’ll give this a shot. Also, like People vs OJ, this show covers one of the first big crime stories I remember happening while

We’re gonna have to disagree on that...

I thought it was a beautiful episode. This is Us just knows how to service its characters while giving us the juicy/soapy moments that set our aquaducts ablaze. Even when moments seem campy (Toby not knowing how to open the car door) there’s still some legitimate heart in the scene that makes it less eye-roll

Yeah, they’ll probably manage to kill a bunch of people eventually. In the meantime it’s fun to watch them repeatedly eat shit.

I think they will move on to...

My wife will be freaking out when she knows its in its final days.

How come both of them have lips the same color as the rest of the face