Asbo Zappruder

Look at that, someone is wrong on the internet.

Too bad that it looks like a loser when the art is good. That said, I don’t know how you could modernize Rochester and his actions. What would be the modern equivalent of a wife in the attic? His having an insane wife locked away was horrible but it made some sense in a time where there were almost no humane options

It truly proved that you don’t need to be an ok superhero IP movie to break box office records, you can be an ok other well known IP movie too!

I feel like he still looks really youthful. The characters should all be like 40. And while he’ll actually be 39 by the time the movie comes out, I have difficulty picturing his as a 40 year old.

yeah a bit judge jury style

Word is, there’s more than one allegation, and there’s also word that there might be some corroboration in one or some of the cases, that might be actionable.

>>>>”I wonder if they know something we don’t. I’m not saying Knowles didn’t do it; I’m actually inclined to believe him capable of it having read some of his reviews. Still, it’s just a single allegation that he’s denied. Seems a bit extreme for one of the site’s most prolific writers to just immediately walk away,

Some of them are still online.

So I guess the answer was ultimately “No, it ain’t.”

My only reservation about any of this is wrongly convicting someone in the court of public opinion before all facts are known. Of course, if these allegations are true, punishment should be administered. But if they prove to be false, that’s a whole lot of damage done over a lie.

Stephen King adaptations are a bit hit or miss to put it mildly, so I’m not too surprised they didn’t film bother at once.

Someone linked that review the other day and I tried to read it. I think I made it roughly two paragraphs before I closed the page in disgust.

I can’t wait for Bill Skarsgard’s take on the “being an asshole in the library” scene.

Baron Harokonnen from Dune without the acne.


It’s a horrible bit of irony that the neckbeard grown to cover double-triple-quadruple chins often looks much much worse than any kind of multi-chin situation ever could...

Homicidal clown, computer nerd... big difference*. ;)