Asbo Zappruder

Sounds like that was probably roti!

What a bunch of snowflake man children. Do they think the NFL gives a f-ck that they burn jerseys? Guess what jerk offs, you already paid them. Go ahead and burn them. Then buy them again in a few months when this thing blows over and you realize you still want the gear.

On Facebook, which I hugely regret ever joining, I saw someone post a comment about these grown men playing a child’s game. So, what does it say about grown men WATCHING grown men playing a child’s game?

Not to mention this state-sponsored jingoism is literally bought and paid for by the DoD.


is it wrong of me to want to see one of these fires get a little out of control?

To be honest I burned my Flacco jersey after the game not because of the protests... His stat line was 8-18 28 yards 0 tds and 2 ints

Is all of this happening because of the USFL? Trump getting his revenge I guess.

I too will be burning my NFL merchandise, using my Beatle records as kindling.

The cause of, like, at least 75 percent of the world’s problems. By a generous estimate.

It’s almost as if it’s not really about the anthem or the flag for these boo-ers ... Hmmmm, what could be the unifying factor that makes those protesting so disgusting to a certain kind of fan?

The thing that’s killing me is the new mantra of calling NFL protest participants “ungrateful” whiners who should just shut

Roti canai! Porota’s filthier, flakier cousin - found in Malaysia (so, technically SE Asia, I suppose) and elsewhere in the region. Dipped in dhal or a spicy fish curry, it is heaven and the best hangover cure I’ve ever had. It’s served all over Malaysia, dirt cheap and very popular for breakfast (hence the hangover

Don’t forget the act of burning one’s MAGA! hat...

My brain is broken. I don’t understand.

This is just so stupid.

To make it a little more confusing, Persians do use naan as a generic term for their breads.

WOTM was easy enough to where you could get Sherpa’d through it once and then be fine to complete it on normal? Playing that was the most fun I’d had in Destiny, although all it took was one bad LFG group for me to stop raiding entirely.

“Post no bills.” Hee hee.

I finally read Toni Morrison’s Beloved, with this feeling of obligation+eternal belatedness.

Binged watched the entirety of The Keepers and Making A Murderer. My sleep has suffered and my hopes for humanity remain dashed, but I am overall pleased with the quality of my entertainment.